I believe Stark creates him, not Pym, and it sounds like there's some tie-in to Jarvis (who becomes Vision).
I think they're going to start a fight in A2 battle it out in capt 3 and finish in avengers 3 civil war. And I bet CA dies. And winter soldier takes over as Capt
Seeing as how Pym hasn't even surfaced yet and Ultron does appear to be Iron Man gear, probably safe to say that Stark is the creator. And if true all I can say is thank God. Would give Stark a good story line after that abortion called Iron Man III. Jarvis gone rogue....I love it.
Ok so I don't know anything about the comics so all I'm going by is the trailer, and it looks sweet as hell. Ultron looks and sounds stupidly awesome. I can't wait for this.
If I'm not mistaken Pym will be making his own movie. And Ultron is in his own armor that's not ironman armor. That's the OG ultron armor. I'm interested in seeing the the Maximofs. I can't believe they're not allowed to mention magneto at all that sucks.
That scene in the preview where he kind of stumbles into the room dragging a robot and crushes its head, it appears he's made of old broken cobbled together Iron Man armor. Theres an Avengers A on his chest at any rate. Isnt one of Ultrons "things" constantly rebuilding and upgrading his body parts/armor?
More importantly, the second Star Wars Episode VII trailer is supposedly going to be attached to this movie.
still think its weird that antman isnt getting credit for ultron eventhough he's is the next scheduled marvel movie coming after avengers 2.