I watched the whole thing a couple years ago, I thought it started really strong and was pretty damn good for a few seasons and then just went off a cliff the last few and ended terribly. IMO it suffered from what so many "good" shows do these days in that once they get a good reputation and an established viewership, the showrunners and the network try and draw the story out, milk the cow as long as they can, and everything suffers as a result and generally ends abruptly and poorly once the fans start tuning out. I feel like it would have been a lot better if it was like 4 seasons, 5 max (same for SOA) and cut all the extraneous cowpie filler storylines.
i just thought it was over the top but yeah i get what you're saying. i see it with SOA as well. just finished season 6 and im like yeah this is getting old.
Wasn't a fan of how the shield ended but I thought it was great all the way through. Once the later seasons started getting into the soap opera stuff between the group it kind of lulled but Lem and Shanes' deaths were just bam in yo face kind of tv moments imo.
I also agree that if a good series ends after 4-5 seasons then that allows the show to end on a bang and not a whimper like Lost did. Anyone even know what that show was about? lol I don't and I watched the whole thing again after it aired on Netflix lol.
Without getting specific for those that arent all the way caught up, Ive been pretty annoyed with the last season of SOA thus far...it started strong but the last handful of episodes it just seems to be spinning its wheels and going nowhere. There's 2 episodes left in the show and they havent done squat as far as tying anything up, if anything its going the other direction and introducing more and more extraneous crap storyline...I have a feeling it's going to be a really rushed unsatisfying ending, unfortunately.
well I dug the last episode minus the tig & venis show. seems like things are just going to blow up in the last couple episodes. I still think able kills gemma after she kills jax who just killed nero.
@Steve12 's recommendation I bought the Breaking Bad DVD series about 6 months ago. 21 discs of pure enjoyment. Best thing I ever bought from Amazon Shipping Ripoff, Inc.
Just seems like an on going cluster f--k the last two weeks.they brought the gay angle in it and dwelled on it.that just seemed to lead from one thing stupid to another. hope sutter saves the best for last.
well last was awesome. I got a woody when jax killed gemma. be interesting to see how sutter ends this.
Peaky Blinders is a pretty cool show. It's on Netflix. Kind of like a British Boardwalk Empire. Tom Hardy is in season 2 and his character is bad ass!
I started watching Vikings. Just finished the first season. Really good show. If you're into Game of Thrones I'd suggest giving Vikings a shot.