Patriots QB Tom Brady Gets Suspended 4-Games For Involvement in Deflategate

Discussion in 'New England Patriots' started by 86WARD, May 11, 2015.

  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Tom Brady gets suspended 4 gamesp for violating integrity of the game. Patriots lose 2016 first round pick, 2017 fourth round pick and $1M fine. No punishment for Bill Belichick.
    Omen likes this.
  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    No penalty for Belichick is a joke...
    Buck Fenson and Omen like this.
  3. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    It will probably be appealed down to two games for Brady, but I wasn't expecting the loss of next year's first round pick.
  4. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Ignorance is an excuse, after all.
    Buck Fenson likes this.
  5. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    that would be bullshirt if the suspension got reduced.
    Buck Fenson and Omen like this.
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    If I'm Sean Payton, I'm pretty ticked off right now...
    Buck Fenson and Omen like this.
  7. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    Total bullshirt is what it is! rothlisberger gets a six game suspension for a crime for which there was no proof,and pretty boy brady clearly cheats so obvious that a blind man can see.and all he gets is a 4 game suspension? somebody needs to wake up and smell what they are shoveling man! Brady's lawyer is on tv saying no evidence is clear he cheated when anybody with any common sense at all that has followed this knows that brady with held the evidence which was on his phone! if he is so innocent,he should have let them exam his phone!!!
    86WARD likes this.
  8. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    and how belicheat got caught cheating again and is not suspended just tells me he will keep on doing it again and again! nfl needs to quit pissing and people and telling them it is f--king raining!!!!
  9. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Yet he didn't cooperate the least
    Diesel44 likes this.
  10. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    did every GD thing he could to NOT cooperate! should have banned him all year! NFL has a precident for cheating or betting on football.when i was a kid,the league threw the book at alex karras and paul horning for betting games they played in.should have thrown brady out under that term.he dishonored the GD game by cheating. i hope he gets a cheap shot every game he plays by whoever he plays against cause the JAMF deserves it!!!
    Omen likes this.
  11. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Every QB should cheat to win a Super Bowl now. They can serve the 4-game suspension the following season.

    Let me call my boy Romo...
    Buck Fenson likes this.
  12. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    Yeah the punishment is ducking joke. I have to say it but had been any other team or Dallas, Niners, Redkins Saints the book would have been thrown at them
    Buck Fenson and Diesel44 like this.
  13. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    amen!!!! the league has already thrown the book at these teams,and they just can't wait to do it again. the league will never drop the hammer on the pats or giants,everybody else is fair game.
    brady and darth belicheat should both be out the whole season! pats have been caught cheating 3 times,twice in the last year,when do they stop getting just a slap on the wrist for it?
  14. Diesel44

    Diesel44 Serial Killer

    amen!!!! the league has already thrown the book at these teams,and they just can't wait to do it again. the league will never drop the hammer on the pats or giants,everybody else is fair game.
    brady and darth belicheat should both be out the whole season! pats have been caught cheating 3 times,twice in the last year,when do they stop getting just a slap on the wrist for it?
  15. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I could only imagine what the punishment would be had it been James
    Buck Fenson and Omen like this.
  16. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    The electric chair for James
    Buck Fenson and 86WARD like this.
  17. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    I get a funny feeling if I say that Brady getting any "punishment" at all is a joke I might get keyboard attcked.
    Walnuts likes this.
  18. Buck Fenson

    Buck Fenson formerly Jake from State Farm

    man, I wish I could get into Soccer.
  19. Walnuts

    Walnuts All-Pro

    I can't believe this is a thing at all, let alone a big deal that people are being punished for. f**k**ing ridiculous.
  20. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Used to be the RULES in golf that a golf ball coud' nt leave the clubface over a maximum velocity. Solid core balls came on the scene and were allowed even though they exceeded max velocity. Were golfers suspended for using one of these new balls? f**k no. That was back in the day when a monster drive was 280-300 yards. Golf courses were 6,800 to 7,100 yards. There's no game in which the sanctity of the rules is held in highest regard than golf. Now courses are 7,600+ yards and if you can't hit a 7-ron 185 yards there's something wrong with your swing or equipment. Unlike the NFL golf has adapted to the changes in technology and a realistic view of what players have always done to seek an advantage in conquering a golf course (golf balls, square grooves, casted metals, and the list goes on. Since the beginning of NFL-time players have used stickem', fudged on the size of linemen's shoulder pads, popping greenies and messed around with the psi of the ball and on and on. People want to talk about the intregrity of the game because QB's/ballboys, HC's are making a mockery of the rules, ie, the integrtiy of the game, and now it's time to drop the hammer by suspending a player for doing what every f--king QB in the league has always done. And in their infinite wisdom they're going to suspend player an amount of games that's been handed down for your women beaters, smoking weed (for a third or fourth time) and popping pills which are illegal to use as determined by the DEA. Instead of presecuting true felons, let's thrown down the gauntlet on someone who threws balls with an inadequate amount of air in it. You're in good company Tom. The NFL has religated your crime on the level of a Greg Hardy or Daryl Washington.

    A novel idea would be for the Rules Committe to fess up and admit they've always known about teams and players bending the rules and turning their heads because it's no big deal, but involve Tom Brady and the World Champion Patriots and the world has come to an end. Goodell & Co. most definitely would have been accused ofcfavoritism, but as a result of that 25,000 page report the NF should have manned up and changed the rule (even retroactively) such that a ball can be filled withing a range of psi's. Aaron Rodger says he prefers an overinflated ball. And we're to think that he's played within the confines of an antiquated rule? Please!

    And how did the NFL "get the goods" on Brady? By doing something that not one of us would have stood for for a second. Imagine your company telling you you have to cough up your cell phone to a bunch a strangers to rummage through. Without a federal warrant demanding I turn it over there's not a snowballs's chance in hell that I'm turning it over. So who in the f--k does the NFL think they are that they can get his cell phone and use it as "eveidence" against him. It's time for Roger Goodell, the 32 franchise owners, the Player's Union and that womderful CBA to zero in on issues that have true relevance in an attempt to bring the game into the 2000's.

    Maybe it's time for those NFL asswipes to hire PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem as a consultant and help them get their shirt todether. Rant over. Pleae continue,
    Steve12 likes this.