Trade Advice Please

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by mcrobertsjmac32, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. mcrobertsjmac32

    mcrobertsjmac32 Sep-1-16 Premium Member

    In league 2 of my signature I need some WR help and was wondering if I could get advice on a trade.

    Here is the trade

    I give Jimmy Graham and Michael Crabtree, for Emmanuel Sanders and Allen Robinson.

    Thoughts? I already Have Gronk at TE and my WR feel thin
  2. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    Jimmy's trade value should be much higher.. week 1 is a really tough one for him and he probably won't do so hot.. but if he does then you should be able to trade him for better WR's come week 2 3 or 4
  3. mcrobertsjmac32

    mcrobertsjmac32 Sep-1-16 Premium Member

    Gotcha thanks!
  4. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member

    Having both Gronk and Graham puts you in control of the TE market. Make him pay more.
  5. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    I get what Kurt is saying but I like this trade. You need two WR and both are solid
    mcrobertsjmac32 likes this.
  6. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    I get what Kurt is saying but I like this trade. You need two WR and both are solid
    mcrobertsjmac32 likes this.
  7. Samson

    Samson Lifetime Member Premium Member

    You have a list of the owners players you are trying to trade with? Just want to see if you can put something better together.
    mcrobertsjmac32 likes this.
  8. mcrobertsjmac32

    mcrobertsjmac32 Sep-1-16 Premium Member

    Right now no1 has given even close to as good as this deal. Right now this is the only possible trade on the table
  9. Samson

    Samson Lifetime Member Premium Member

    Then I agree with everyone else just wait it out they are trying to play on your weakness. After last night's regronkliousness I would say you will be ok without a top tier WR this week.
    mcrobertsjmac32 likes this.
  10. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member

    Dont trade until after gronks bye then. Max your value that way.
    mcrobertsjmac32 likes this.
  11. mcrobertsjmac32

    mcrobertsjmac32 Sep-1-16 Premium Member

    Just got offered Graham for Emmanuel Sanders, Allen Robinson, and Tevin Coleman. I can't say no to that right?
  12. Kurt

    Kurt That Server Guy Staff Member Fantasy Guru

    your wide outs are good enough to wait three or four weeks - by week four you'll get a WR1 for Graham, wait and see. be patient and let the other folks stress.
    mcrobertsjmac32 and SNPokc like this.
  13. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member

    I agree with Kurt
    mcrobertsjmac32 likes this.
  14. mcrobertsjmac32

    mcrobertsjmac32 Sep-1-16 Premium Member

    Soo tough waiting
  15. LebaneseFF

    LebaneseFF Error loading Staff Member Premium Member Fantasy Guru

    You guys are mad!
  16. SNPokc

    SNPokc DEZ NUTS 2016 Premium Member

    No way. It's a decent trade now.. When 3-4 people start panicking about their terrible te position that happens every year around week 3-4 and all of a sudden the god jimmy graham is available i all but guarantee there will be a better offer. And the lack of guarantee is because i don't know how his league memebers think.