
Discussion in 'GridironFans Support' started by Bears 88, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. Bears 88

    Bears 88 FTW

    Trying to break every arcade record?

    You'd think we were playing for a $1,000. :icon_neutral:
  2. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    She enjoys the arcade and if you're not good enough to beat her, well then maybe you need practice..ahahahahahahha
  3. smileydebs

    smileydebs Rookie

    oh boys boys, just because your'e crap and i'm not!!:icon_cool:
  4. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    no, you're a fruitcake. I'll take you on in any game at any time, but this is getting tiresome. Like what Barl did.
  5. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Oh geez Yis, get a grip dude...these are games nothing more
  6. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    Only nerds got pissed because somebody beat them in a game...

    Speaking of which...I freaking hate Chrisbob...that bastard with no life crushed my pacman high score...

    KASSIE What's It to YA??

    damn she is taking all my trophies :(
  8. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Guess you just aren't GOOD enough TJ...:scared:
  9. yisman

    yisman The Ambivalent One

    lol TJ, awesome
  10. TJ

    TJ Dez Caught It

    I gues I'm not :(

    But I'm the best in this continent :D
  11. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    They're just games, I play them and enjoy playing them. If I get a high score, cool, if not, oh well, I won't obsess about getting the high score.
  12. smileydebs

    smileydebs Rookie

    Oh Jism....sorry Yisman, don't be a silly boy, i love the arcade, especially if i can beat a score, i thought that was what it was all about!
    I's only a game even if a girl can beat you hee hee hee hee he!!!!:icon_smile:
  13. apocalypsehoboke

    apocalypsehoboke Psych Ward Resident

    Hey, I can't heck with your scores, go you.
  14. BarlOwens

    BarlOwens Rubicon Runner

    lol..I did it just to heck with Yis...its someone elses turn...
  15. apocalypsehoboke

    apocalypsehoboke Psych Ward Resident

    Have a PM lottery for the next contestant Barl.
  16. Bears 88

    Bears 88 FTW

    Probably would help if you learned sarcasm.
  17. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    Not sure where you're going. I just mentioned what I do in the arcade. Play games, not obsess over them like some people here do.
  18. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    I play the games, get my pathetic score, cuss at the high scorers and move on....:moe:
  19. Cheezymadman

    Cheezymadman Born Again Browns Backer

    I want to know how that Ultimate Greed Poker score is even possible.
  20. apocalypsehoboke

    apocalypsehoboke Psych Ward Resident

    Same here