Those are so gay ma's butt hurts! As for the backhanded remark at the mighty Lions... HEY SRW! [smilie=FU13.gif] [smilie=FU13.gif] [smilie=FU13.gif] [smilie=FU13.gif]
NFL is going to have to issue a warning with these................... Prolonged exposure may cause more than usual eagle gayness
they look like a college teams uniform after the 1st half i started getting use to the colors though i actually didnt think they were too bad
Hey guys, please don't take offense--I am giving you this info FYI. The design of those uniforms came from the late thirties (1930's). We always tend to think that 'our society' will advance faster than any backward society that exisited before us. It has to do with our ego; with how more advanced we are than those that came before us. Check out the movie "Modern Times" and you will see futuristic visions that still have not evolved. 80 years ago people guessed that society was on the verge of accomplishing things that we are still trying to achieve. You think the internet is hot? Hell, people back then thought that we would be far more advanced by now. You suck and you don't even know it.
When I saw this ugly jersey, i had to :dirty29: :icon_cheesygrin: You can get eye cancer , when you see this fu***** sh** :icon_smile:
So they seriously hope to sell that crap? Who could buy that? :bagonhead: Yeah... and what's the relation between this and those ugly unis? :dontknow:
I saw some of the Eagles/Lions game yesterday before leaving to go tailgate at the Bears/Cowboys game and I asked myself, what the heck is that the Eagles are wearing? Talk about ugly uniforms.