What a difference a year makes. From training camp antics, an accidental overdose and outlandish statements to a calm, collected, team-oriented player, T.O. seems to have made a 180. Who is this Terrell Owens guy and what did he do with the T.O. everybody loved to hate? Absolutely nothing, according to the Cowboys' wide receiver. "I've always been the same kind of guy in the locker room," Owens said, "whether you believe the reports of (me being) a bad teammate here or a bad teammate there. Deep down in my heart I know the person that I am and I think you can ask a lot of guys in the locker rooms that I've been in, the type of teammate and player that I've been. That's never been in question." Source: Jana Wallis, Dallascowboys.com
i agree and he is getting the ball more and were winning, i still thi nk he was a good teammate even in philly bc didnt half the team side with him
He won in the other cities too and still wasn't this kind of player. There has hardly been a peep out of TO this year and that's a good thing. Look how it has helped his team. Less distraction and circus around him and more about the team and winning. Same thing can be said for Randy Moss also. What a difference now that he's on the Patriots. Good for both of them I hope they continue. They are truly the two best recievers in the league and now they are showing themselves as leaders and mature men also. I seriously hope the trend continues and that they can show younger players how it's done and not how to act a fool.
if you wanna call two players saying they miss his "on field" talent as half the team siding with him then yeah. oh yes he was. he was fine in san fran until the team started losing. even jerry rice praised him. he was fine in philly in '04 as well. if dallas starts losing owens will be back to his real self.
Just like smegale said, it's cause he's winning, look how he was in SF and Philly, when they started doing bad, he started his little tantrums.
I stand corrected but...I will say this. It's my feeling that he's always created a circus atmosphere no matter if they were winning or not. I just noticed more of the "tantruns" when they were losing. Also if you notice in my post I did say I hope the trend continues. It isn't what I expect but...better for the league if he's less vocal.
we'll see if the trend continues but it's amazing how both owens and moss suddenly changed their ways while their teams are dominating. moss more than owens because unlike terrell who gave it all he had on every play no matter what, randy quit on his former teams.
^^^true to that... one thig though i like how the media try to goad him into imploding and he aint really taking the bait a quit TO is good for us but bad for the media
TO has always been vocal about losing..thats when you see him blowing up..he wants to win, and when your losing and he isn't getting the ball, he's furious....I wanted him to stay in SF...he carries a fire that our team hasn't had until Gore..and just wait for Gore to start crying now that the niners are completely pathetic again..
yeah i loved owens' fire as well, the issue with him is his fire gets out of control if he doesn't get what he wants.
TO was and always will be a flamboyant guy off the field, but the media blow everything up. Being on a winning team, had a lot to do with it too. Anyone noticed that Moss makes the same transformation at New England?