WWE Smackdown Results

Discussion in 'Wrestling Talk' started by Mike S., Aug 4, 2004.

  1. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date: 8/28/07 - Air Date: 8/31/07 - Pepsi Arena - Albany, New York

    Show starts off with Teddy Long and the Great Khali in the ring. Teddy Long says that tonight they are going to determine a new number one contender for the World Championship title. Their will be a tournament to decide. Kane will face Finlay and Batista will face Mysterio. The winners of those two matches will face each other. Teddy then says, lets not wait until next week, lets get it started now!

    Kane vs. Finlay: Kane dominates first half of match. Match ends when Kane hits Finlay with a clothes-line off the top rope. Kane then hit’s the choke slam on Finlay but the little bastard runs in and distracts Kane. Finlay rolls him up for the win.

    Matt Hardy & MVP vs. Deuce and Domino for the WWE Tag Team Titles: Matt Hardy was in the match the whole time and got dominated. MVP got the tag and through Hardy out of the ring and MVP got the win. So we have new tag-team champions. After the match MVP was in the ring celebrating with both titles while Matt looks on from the outside.

    Backstage Vince tells Batista that he could very well be his son. He’s got the looks, and everything. Batista says, If I was your dad, id kill you.

    In the Ring: Mark Henry on the microphone. Mark says the Undertaker is coming back at Unforgiven and that he is going to break his back. The lights go out and The Undertaker’s music plays. On the screen the video that they played ask week shows. The Undertaker didn’t come out but states that he will make his return at Unforgiven. Mark Henry stands in the ring while this is happening.

    Video package shows of Mysterio’s return.

    Batista vs. Rey Mysterio: Back and forth match. Rey Mysterio goes for the 619 but misses. At the end, Finlay runs down, hits Rey Mysterio. Mysterio wins by DQ and Rey advances to the finals.

    Vince McMahon Segment: Vince comes to the ring with coach. Just like on Monday, Coach says he has a list of people Vince has slept with and he would like to bring them out. The first girl that comes out is from New York. Her name is Sheryl. Vince says he remembers that night because she is hot. Next Coach brings out a 3-girls from Connecticut. He said he had a 3-some with them and he remembers them because it was New Years of 1997. Vince says he remembers that night because they are hot. He said he brought in the new years with a big bang. Another female comes out by the name of Sister Merry. She is dressed like a nun. Sister Merry gets on the mic and says 'Our one night together, who could ever satisfy me in the way you did in 1991 in the parking lot.' Vince says Merry gave her a new direction for church. He then comments that she is second to nun. After that, Vince says next Monday on RAW, he has to confront the other members of the McMahon Family and he is not worried.

    Chris Masters vs. Chuck Palumbo - Masterlock challenge: They set the chair up, as Palumbo was about to escape, Chris Masters let off the hold and ran out of the ring. On Palumbo’s way back to the back he has problems starting his bike.

    Rey Mysterio vs. Fit Finlay - Winner gets match at Unforgiven: During the match, Khali comes down and gets in the ring and takes Mysterio and throws him. Rey Mysterio advances by DQ. After the match, they beat on Mysterio and Batista comes down to make the save on Mysterio. - Rey Mysterio vs. Khali for the title at Unforgiven.
  2. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date: 9/1/07 - Air Date: 9/7/07 - Cincinnati, Ohio

    The show kicked off with MVP in the ring for the VIP Lounge. He introduced his new Tag Team Championship partner Matt Hardy. MVP said he got the pin in the match last week since he is the better man. Hardy then sucker punches MVP and grabs one of his belts. MVP then tells Hardy that they have a rematch at Unforgiven against Deuce and Domino. He also adds that Hardy has a match against Deuce tonight as a warm-up.

    Matt Hardy defeated Deuce. The finish saw MVP trip up Deuce to help him get the win.

    Kenny Dykstra and Victoria came out. Chuck Palumbo's music hit and he never came out. They then tried to cover by having Victoria get on the mic and build up Dykstra as the future of wrestling. Dykstra also gets on the mic and brags. He then tries to cover saying he is so good no one wants to come out and face him. Dykstra announces himself as the winner by forfeit.

    Kane & Batista defeated Finlay & The Great Khali

    Chuck Palumbo defeated Kenny Dykstra

    Backstage, Jamie Noble setup a trap for Hornswoggle using Lucky Charms. Noble ended up getting caught in it before his match started

    Hornswoggle defeated Jamie Noble to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title via countout. Noble hit the ring just after the 10 count

    Rey Mysterio defeated Chavo Guerrero in an I Quit Match. Mysterio took out Chavo the way Chavo took out Mysterio with a steel chair to the knee while he was hung up in the corner. After the match, The Great Khali came out and put the claw on Mysterio. Batista runs out and makes the save. Long comes out and announces a change to the World Title Match at Unforgiven. It will now be Khali vs. Mysterio vs. Batista in a Triple Threat for the World Title
  3. PSID412USM

    PSID412USM Pro Bowler

    Oh great it the get the belt off Khali without jobbing him plan great.
  4. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date: 9/9/07 - Air Date: 9/14/07 - Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Michelle McCool (rides to ring w/ Palumbo on the hog) vs Victoria (w/ Dykstra) goes to a double DQ when the guys start fighting in the ring. Immediately after, its announced as a mixed tag.

    Palumbo/McCool over Victoria/Dykstra when McCool pins Victoria. Not sure why we had to wait an extra 10 minutes for the same finish they could have done in the women's single match.

    Random segments backstage all night of Teddy Long and Kristal's bachelor/bachelorette parties. Highlights (may be an oxymoron statement) are:

    Butch Reed shows up as a guest to the bachelor party, as does various strippers, Sgt Slaughter, Major Brothers, Jesse and Festus and probably a few others.

    Kristal gets a little teddy lingere outfit from all of the divas and one of them hints to have gotten her a "special toy" that was in an unopened box.

    The fat oily guy appears at the bachelorette party to dance for Kristal

    Last segment sees both Kristal and Teddy run into each other when they are accidentally locked out of their respective rooms where their parties are, then everyone just joins in outside the rooms and "parties" together.

    Druid in black getup is in the ring, played off like Taker returning, then he rips the cloak off to reveal its Mark Henry. Short forgettable promo about his match w/ Taker, leading to the distorted video screen montage of Taker footage, followed by Taker over the PA talking, stating he's back on Sunday, then pyro goes off and the Taker "symbol" is shown by the entrance on fire.

    Shannon Moore over Jamie Noble, ok match, finish is Moore acting like Hornswaggle is under the ring, Noble bends over by the ropes to check, and gets rolled up.

    MVP and Hardy are playing chess, Hardy is winning and MVP sneezes and "accidentally" knocks over the pieces. Hardy then tells him he got him booked in a single match with Domino which is happening immediately.

    Domino over MVP, really bad match made worse by the constant mic work of Hardy trying to get MVP chants by the crowd. Hardy did this, I dunno, at least in three or four seperate times during this match. Crowd chants MVP, directed by Hardy, but then the crowd finishes by "sucks" of course. Hardy tries to help MVP out by knocking Deuce off the apron, MVP gets in Hardy's face for helping him, and MVP gets rolled up.

    Finlay over Kane in the Belfast Brawl, which was basically a no dq/no countout match that was pretty slow and methodic, but ok. Finlay worked over Kane's shoulder the entire match, chair was used a bit on it, etc. Finish was Kane going for the ring steps to use on Finlay, but Finley blocks the move with a shilleleh shot to the arm, and then hits his finisher on Kane for the win. Match went a good 10-15 minutes.

    Main event was Batista over Khali by DQ when Khali refused to let go of the double handed claw when Batista made the ropes. Horrid match made worse by the finish. Khali keeps the hold on Batista well after the bell rings, tons of refs run out, Khali breaks it finally and thats the show.
  5. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: Rajah.com

    Taping Date: 9/18/07 - Air Date: 9/21/07 - Phillips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia

    They taped the wedding first, but it will air last. It was a series of gags, from Jillian Hall being dragged off trying to sing, to a Godfather cameo with most of the guys leaving with his ho's. The crowd live wasn't liking this with negative chants. Vince and Coach did their bit with Hornswoggle chasing him around. It ended up with Teddy Long passing out and being taken out on a stretcher.

    Jimmy Wang Yang b Jamie Noble

    Matt Hardy beat MVP in a football throwing accuracy contest

    Deuce & Domino b Hardy & MVP in a non-title match

    Mysterio did a promo. JBL confronted him and they argued. Mysterio wanted a match but JBL said he couldn't do it, and then Finlay jumped Mysterio

    Mark Henry b Batista via count out when Khali interfered
  6. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 9/25/07 - Air Date: 9/28/07 - Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Indiana

    SmackDown! begins with a recap of last week's wedding. There is emphasis on 'till death do you part.' Vince is backstage with Vicky Guerrero.

    It's announced The Undertaker will take on Mark Henry later tonight.

    Torrie Wilson versus Victoria opens SmackDown. Torrie lost to Victoria with help from the ropes. A new blonde debuted and dismantled Torrie.

    MVP hits the ring. A group of partiers are already there. They're drinking champaign. Its the VIP lounge. He talks about Teddy Long. Matt Hardy comes with a bottle for MVP. Hardy says MVP is his homey and put together a video highlighting MVP's accomplishments. Hardy toasted to his friendship with MVP. It ended with Hardy setting up Kane vs. MVP later on tonight.

    Michael Cole and JBL interview Batista about his strategy for the PPV. He says he is ready to lash out.

    There's a new promo for Taker. It says "Don't be afraid....Be terrified. The time is now."

    MVP vs. Kane sees a lot of false finishes. It was an enjoyable match. MVP is disqualified after a low blow.

    Next was an in-ring interview with JBL and Rey-Rey. Rey tells Layfield to put up or shut up. Bradshaw pushes Rey and gets a 619. Finlay lays out Rey and leaves JBL and Rey lying in the ring.

    Backstage, Vicky tells Mini-Mac that he has to forfeit his championship for his own safety. He leaves, depressed.

    Jamie Noble vs. Shannon Moore. Noble wins

    Undertaker signs hang it front of the screens. He's due out next.

    Next week is the Great Khali vs. Rey. Hearing his promo live was worth the price of admission.

    Mark Henry vs. Undertaker was the main event. Takes goes old school into a bear hug into the corner. Henry reverses a choke slam. Taker was in the ropes but reverses. Choke slam! Taker gets the clean pin in a quick match. Druids enter and take Henry out on their shoulders as UT looks on. Undertaker signals for the belt and takes his leave.
  7. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 10/2/07 - Air Date: 10/5/07 - Nutter Center - Dayton, Ohio

    Show opened with Batista cutting a promo and Khali coming out to interrupt

    Chuck Palumbo b Ace Steel. Post match saw Chris Masters return and lock Palumbo in a full nelson from behind until Palumbo passed out

    Jamie Noble b Jimmy Wang Yang

    Matt Hardy and MVP did a push-up contest. As Matt was about to win, MVP kicked his arm

    Hardy & MVP b Deuce & Domino

    Kane b Kenny Dykstra

    MVP went to Vickie Guerrero and asked if his partner could get a match with Undertaker. Vickie said it was a good idea, so announced Hardy & MVP vs. Undertaker & Kane for the belts on Sunday.

    Jesse & Festus Dalton b Mike Tolar & Chad Collyer

    Rey Mysterio b Great Khali via DQ when Finlay and then Batista both interfered
  8. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 10/9/07 - Air Date: 10/12/07 - Joe Louis Arena - Detroit, Michigan

    Chuck Palumbo rolled up Chris Masters for a pinfall. Palumbo controlled most of the match. Afterwards, Masters attacked him and out Palumbo with the Masterlock

    Big Daddy V promotional video airs

    Jesse & Festus defeated Jay Adams & Conrad Carr

    There is a backstage vignette with Jamie Noble, Deuce and Domino.

    Drew McIntyre (with Dave Taylor) defeated Brett Major

    Backstage promo with WWE Tag team champions Matt Hardy and MVP

    The Undertaker and Kane defeated WWE Tag Team champions Matt Hardy and MVP after Taker drilled MVP with a tombstone. This was a non-title match

    In a backstage promo with Vickie Guerrero and Jamie Noble, leading to Vickie signing Noble vs. Khali next

    Great Khali beats Jamie Noble with the head squishie

    Jimmy Wang Yang defeated Deuce and was attacked and laid out by Deuce and Domino. Cherry even slapped Yang

    Rey Mysterio vs. Fit Finlay for the #1 contendership of the WWE World title went to a no contest after a chair was used. The lights in the arena went out and by the time they returned, both men were laid out in the ring. Undertaker was inside, making a motion with his hands for the belt, motioning to Batista, who was at ringside doing commentary
  9. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 10/16/07 - Air Date: 10/19/07 - Birmingham, England

    SmackDown opens with a recap of last week's stuff with the Undertaker. Tonight, JBL interviews Big Dave, and our first match is a WrestleMania Rematch:

    KHALI vs Kane: Kane beats Khali by DQ, after Kane was choked with wire for the DQ. Kane shoves Khali down after the match, and out comes Big Daddy V to squash Kane post-match.

    MVP vs Mysterio is later tonight.

    Matt Striker interview with Big Daddy V, warns that V will be coming to SmackDown to cause havoc. That's followed by Chuck Palumbo (w/ Michelle McCool) vs Chris Masters. Victoria comes out to attack Michelle McCool... that distracts Palumbo, allowing Masters to get the win via a roll-up.

    Backstage segment with Matt Hardy and MVP. MVP says that he feels like Matt is his friend, and he doesn't want the match at Cyber Sunday.

    Matt plugs the choices for the match, as we go to Matt Hardy vs Finlay. Matt wins after hitting the Twist of Fate - MVP came out and took the shillelagh off of Finlay.

    Major Brothers are up next. Drew McIntyre beat Brett Major with the Flatliner.

    JBL interviews Batista - it's a shill for the book and the Cyber Sunday choices. JBL says Dave has never beaten Undertaker, and calls him a coward. JBL gets speared - they're heavily plugging people to vote for Austin here.

    Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore beat Deuce & Domino with a sunset flip.

    Undertaker vs Jamie Noble, as per Vickie Guerrero's orders after Noble complained about the Khali match. It was a squash match. Taker wins with the chokeslam.
  10. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 10/23/07 - Air Date: 10/26/07 - Sprint Center - Kansas City, Missouri

    MVP Lounge with Hardy/Finlay/Rey-hyped the tag match

    Kane def Mark Henry

    MVP/Hardy def. Finlay/Rey-good match. Finlay turns on rey so that MVP/Hardy can pick up the win. Matt does a impressive blade job

    Divas Segment

    Jamie Noble hits on Vicky, she puts him in a match with....

    Batista def. Noble in about a minute

    Jesse/Festus def. Nobodies in a short match

    Big Daddy V def. Miz and Morrison in a triple threat.

    JBL does a great promo before he interviews Undertaker. Undertaker comes out. JBL gets chokeslamed. Batista comes out, talks crap to Undertaker and then spears him as Batista is leaving, Undertaker gets up.
  11. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 10/30/07 - Air Date: 11/2/07 - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum - Long Island, New York

    Batista comes out and talks about his life and how he has had up and down battles and that his battle with taker is not over yet. He says that they each have had one win over each other and that they need to have a rubber match. Lights go out! and Taker appears in the ring! Taker grabs the mic and speaks!! he says he has Batista's back in the main event but he wants to gold in a hell in a cell match! Khali & Mark Henry eventually come out and blab about the main event

    Vicki is in the back with Jamie Noble and tells him she is busy finalizing the hell in a cell for Undertaker/Batista V. she puts Noble in a match with someone his own size tonight - Mysterio!

    Rey Mysterio def. Jamie Noble with a west coast pop which was a counter of Noble's tiger bomb

    Long Island's own Mick Foley def. The Coach in a special challenge match. Hornswoggle refereed and helped Foley which went over great with the fans

    Chuck Palumbo def. Kenny Dykstra with the Full Throttle

    MVP & Matt Hardy are in the back discussing how they must be defending tag team champions. Matt says MVP has some singles competition first with a man who has MVP's number. Kane hits the ring, then MVP after.

    Kane defeated MVP clean with a Chokeslam! After the match, Big Daddy V destroys Kane

    Batista & The Undertaker def. Khali & Henry via Disqualification when JBL interfered. He comes out of nowhere and gives Batista a clothesline from hell and then beats up Taker. This match was a solid 10-12 minutes with good action and lots of cheers
  12. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 11/6/07 - Air Date: 11/9/07 - Rabobank Arena - Bakersfield, California

    The Major Brothers won a tag team battle royal to earn a title shot later tonight. Other teams were Deuce/Domino, Jesse/Festus, Drew McIntyre/Dave Taylor and Jimmy Wang Yang/Shannon Moore. The Majors eliminated Deuce/Domino for the win.

    Victoria w/Kenny beat Michelle McCool w/Chuck Palumbo. Victoria won with a DDT.

    Finlay beat Rey Mysterio after knocking Rey off the top rope as Rey was about to hit a West Coast Pop and hitting the Celtic Cross. Match had to have gone around 20 minutes, really good stuff.

    CM Punk beat Jaime Noble. Afterwards, the Miz attacked Punk and John Morrison attacked Miz, leading to a three way brawl. Punk won the day, but was laid out by Noble.

    MVP/Matt Hardy beat The Major Brothers to retain the WWE Tag Team titles.

    The Undertaker beat The Great Khali in a No Holds Barred match. No weapons were used, Taker won with a Triangle choke
  13. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 11/13/07 - Air Date: 11/16/07 - Kansas Coliseum - Wichita, Kansas

    Jeff Hardy beat Finley by DQ.

    MVP & Matt Hardy lost to The Miz & Morrison, so we've got new Tag champions. MVP asks for their rematch to get the belts back, but still lost. He then attacked Matt, hurting his knee, slamming it onto the stairs.

    Undertaker Made a promo.

    Rey Mysterio beat Ken Kennedy,

    Victoria & WWE Women's champion Beth Phoenix defeated Mickie James & Torrie Wilson.

    The Weigh-in saw Hornswoggle weigh in at 138 and Khali broke the scale. Hornswoggle just cried.

    WWE World champion Batista beat Mark Henry in a short match and I do mean short. After the match, Batista Hit Henry about five times in the back and that's pretty much it.
  14. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    Credit goes to: WrestleZone.com

    Taping Date: 11/20/07 - Air Date: 11/23/07 - St. Pete Times Forum - Tampa, Florida

    Pre-Show Dark Match: The Nasty Boys defeated Dave Taylor and Drew McIntyre. It was said the Nasty Boys looked pretty good.

    MLB star Wade Boggs is in attendance.

    WWE U.S. Champion MVP pinned Rey Mysterio. No Matt or Jeff Hardy appearances. A segment was done where JBL presented MVP with a diamond ring.

    World Heavyweight Champion Batista came out for an interview. During the course of the taping, it is revealed that Edge's return was done in cahoots with Vickie Guerrero and the two are together, and they were even shown making out at one point. Edge vs. Batista is announced for next week's show. The Undertaker gets involved and gives Guerrero a Tombstone at the end of the episode, with Vicky going out on a stretcher.

    WWE Tag Champions John Morrison and The Miz defeated The Major Brothers.

    Jamie Noble defeated Chuck Palumbo

    Finlay and Hornswoggle defeated Mark Henry in a Handicap match. Great Khali came out and got involved after the match.

    Torrie Wilson defeated Victoria.

    Kane defeated Big Daddy V by DQ.
  15. PSID412USM

    PSID412USM Pro Bowler

    They have killed Edge now with this.
  16. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    The Edge/Vickie Guerrero storyline really doesn't shock me at all. Wasn't an idea thrown out there not too long ago of having Edge and Vickie work together against Teddy Long for the heart attack angle just so Edge can get revenge on Long for stripping him of the World Heavyweight Title? In all honesty though, if i'm Eddie Guerrero, i'm rolling over in my grave over this storyline.
  17. PSID412USM

    PSID412USM Pro Bowler

    Yeah it was. They then changed it to Kristal and Edge but then Kristal basically turn it down and was fired. I was fan of Vickie Guerrero as the GM before this.
  18. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    God, and Vince Russo isn't even one of their bookers right now.
  19. Mike S.

    Mike S. GIF Hall Of Fame Class Of 2007 Staff Member

    i see teddy long coming back as Smackdown GM now that vicky is out, and Edge had to forfiet the title due to his pec injury
  20. PSID412USM

    PSID412USM Pro Bowler

    Yeah he busy doing nothing in TNA.:icon_smile: