Homer Simpson Award (November)

Discussion in 'Site News' started by SRW, Nov 26, 2007.


Who Should Win The Homer Simpson Award This Month?

  1. Blu N Houston

    4 vote(s)

    5 vote(s)
  3. TDJets72027

    4 vote(s)
  4. BroncoBJ

    13 vote(s)
  5. HailttRedskins

    6 vote(s)
  6. Dam8610

    10 vote(s)
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  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    [​IMG] Homer Simpson Award
    This award goes to the biggest NFL homer on the site. This member swears his team is by far the best at EVERYTHING and he simply can't be reasoned with. Any opinion you have that paints his team negatively is always 100% wrong and any opinion of his is 100% right......ALWAYS.

    Ok people, time to vote for the winner of this award. The voting thread will be open up until Friday, Nov. 30th @ 9:00pm Pacific time.
  2. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    LOL @ me being tied for first in Homer, just cause you all doubt your teams don't mean CRAP
  3. bandi

    bandi Hall Of Famer

    Gotta be BroncoBJ this time.
  4. Blu N Houston

    Blu N Houston ¡Vamos Houston!

    haha heck y'all hoes!
    <sip sip>
  5. dolphindude13

    dolphindude13 Jack Of All Trades

    Does Dam even post here anymore?

    TOP DAWG Pro Bowler

    Dam. If Peyton threw 6 interceptions, he'd have a list of 10 reasons why it wasn't his fault. Did you notice after the Pats beat the Colts,he disappeared?:icon_cheesygrin:
  7. TDJets72027

    TDJets72027 Rex Ryan baby

    I don't know.:icon_sad: I miss him.:icon_sad:

    TOP DAWG Pro Bowler

    When things go bad, Dam retreats to the homer boards. He'll be back.
  9. Wolv

    Wolv Go Packers

    BJBroncos for sure. Hopefully he posts here because i love that sig :icon_cheesygrin:
  10. BroncoBJ

    BroncoBJ JayCutler4MVP!!!

    :lol: @ me being in the lead for the homer award.
    Its called realistic ;) :lol:
  11. Cletusaurus

    Cletusaurus YES! YES! YES!

    They still going to run the table and get the 2 seed behind New England? :lol:
  12. BroncoBJ

    BroncoBJ JayCutler4MVP!!!

    :lol: Its still mathmatically possible.

    But I'm actually hoping to get the 4 seed and play the Colts in the first round at our place and beating them for once. I seriously Hate the Colts.

    Either that or have us get the 3 seed ahead of the Steelers and play the Browns or someone else in the first round.
    Then travel to Jacksonville in the 2nd round. I'd rather head there then Indy. At least it might be close.

    Then time to take on the Pats in the AFC Championship game. :icon_cool:

    But first lets beat the Raiders. :)
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