Crap, I agree with most of what he said. I don't really see how he's being a, "rod." ESPN and a bunch of sports stations blow all over the Pats and he's not afraid to bring that up, good for him.
I's this attitude that Morris and other Dolphin fossils have displayed that almost makes me say heck it....let them go undefeated so they can shut up these old rods.
Thats exactly how I feel. I hate the 72 fins celebrating all the time. I'm rooting for pats to shut them up.
I figure Mercury and the rest of those fellas are tired of the media beating on their door every time a team makes it past 10-0. Personally I think the "bitter 72 Dolphin sipping bubbly" angle is overplayed and more of a media creation than anything.
wow... you could tell she was trying very hard to not yell at Cokehead Morris to stop being an arrogant pr**k. Gotta love Cokehead throwing around all the big words trying to make himself sound smart. Fuggin jackbutt...
I speak from "subjective, experiential knowledge" and Morris has sand in his vag cause there won't be anything left in life to distinguish him anymore. He has points, and good ones. But his arrogance and disdain for what could very well come is obvious; he's jealous that he may need to share his toys.
It's freaking bullcrap the kind of coverage the Pats are getting. In one breath, ESPN talks about the '72 Phins, and in the next, they say the Pats did something that "no one's ever done before", as if the Phins had any control over how many games they played in '72. Screw ESPN.
It's pr**ks like this guy that make you root for a team who already has 3 Super Bowl wins this decade to win another. Nobody's taking away your undefeated season, so quit being a insecure douchebag. I'm sick of these guys popping the champagne every year. On the other hand, he raises one good point before he takes it too far. Everybody is celebrating the Pat's season a little too early. is advertising t-shirts with 16-0 on them. Come on. Sure it's impressive, but it doesn't mean crap until they turn it into a championship.
Granted the 1972 Dolphins have been cry babies, I do agree that IF the Patriots don't win Super Bowl 42, then that 16-0 regular season means absoluity jack crap. The 1934 and 1942 Chicago Bears went undefeated both of those seasons. Just one problem though, they lost in the NFL Championship Game both of those seasons.