I added a new feature on the site for our VIP members to enjoy. This feature is only for our VIP members and site staff. MySmilies VB Users are limited to: 60 x 60 pixels max 32kb's mx per smilie 50 smilies total allowed Enjoy people! :icon_cheesygrin:
Hmm...I'll look into this then. AH I get it now....only you can use that smile since it's "yours". If someone else wants to use it they have to upload it to their smilies.
When you posted it it didn't work, but when I quoted you it worked... :icon_eek: Stop editeding your posts when I'm quoting them. :wild:
Right....I tried to use it and it didn't work. But when you quoted me the site made it show up since it was now inside your post. See?