My step dad was on my computer and completely hecked the web browers up. I didnt know how to put the address bar back in so i uninstalled firefox. Then i went to download it again and it said it cant cause my current security settings will not allow it. I tryed messing with it but got no where and im stuck using IE:icon_cry:
You must not have administrator rights on your user profile , If you can't install firefox, or you have some security software blocking it (nortons, mcafee, etc.) If you are the admin profile, try disabling your security and installing it, then make sure to turn it back on so you're not at risk of virus/spyware. Once you do get firefox back if your address bar is still missing go to View (at the top) -> click toolbars -> click navigation bar and that'll fix your issue.
he tried , you must not be an administrator account does your computer have multiple users like if you go to switch user or first turn on your computer?
hard to know without seeing exactly whats going on, Only way I can really help you is if you want me to take over your computer through netmeeting.
yea thats cool its easy to stop me by just clicking end call if you think im doing something to your computer but i guess you can find out the problem on your own peace
Crowned is willing to help you but you won't let's not like you can use the computer right now anyway and like he said you can always end the call if you feel like he's not trustworthy, but you're going to have to trust someone.