Whats The Toughest Position In The Game,Your Opinion?

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by eaglesrule4ever, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. eaglesrule4ever

    eaglesrule4ever Pro Bowler

    I thinking of two of course RB is the odvious one but another one that has to be tough is PR they constantly get jacked up and everyone on the opposing team knows who is getting the ball,Which why they are the toughest position in the games what do you all think?
  2. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    punter, cause they're fvcking pvssies on a football field
  3. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    I would think that offensive linemen would have to be a really hard job and very physically demanding
  4. packerboy

    packerboy Bugger off

    Definatly the O-Lineman. Someone knocking seven colours of crap out of you play in, play out has got to be incredibly tiring.
  5. Marion Who?

    Marion Who? Captain Stiff Arm

    Running back autmoatically comes to mind. Having to out fully energey on every down, and being constantly hit. MLB, tought position, gotta lead the front 7. Tackling that many times gotta leave you bruised.

    Apart from those two, anywhere on the O-Line must be physically demanding. Facing heavy DT's or fast and powerful DE's every play can't be easy.

    Good thread ER4E
  6. cane666

    cane666 Special Teamer

    long snapper
    gets killed ever time out
  7. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    O-Line...Center. Very underrated, has to know all the blocking schemes, gets no glory and could get a QB, RB, FB or WR killed if he calls the wrong scheme...
  8. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    d-sep is nasty, he tackles and he runs a 4.4, and hes like 6-4 220 lol. he forced a fumble last year lol
  9. DoubleC

    DoubleC i'm ready now...

    And physically tougher than any other position (except D-line, since they crash into each other on every play).
  10. M1LEHIGH

    M1LEHIGH Backup Clipboard Holder

    It is hands down the Offensive Line.... All the blocking schemes and plays that they have to memorize, then having to execute those schemes against freaks of nature....lol hands down the toughest position in football.
  11. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

  12. unstable

    unstable I need sex

  13. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    a man to man cornerback, the wide receiver already knows the cuts he going to make so the cornerback can easily get faked out by a double move and be lost so a zone cb is alot easier but I think man to man cornerback would be the toughest thing to keep up with one of the top receievers in the game.
  14. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I think an argument could be made for every position...

    The Quarterback has to know what everyone on the field is doing on every play and to be a successful QB, you need to know what the oposing team is doing as well. For that, I say the QB has to be the toughest mentally. Not even mentioning the crap they take and dealing with the media.

    I think physically, the O-Line...out of those 5-6 guys, the Center. AND if the O-Line is no good, the QB takes it physically too...ask David Carr.

    (or Ben Roethlisberger this past season...)
  15. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    O-line for me too. Those guys had to do the most physical work in the game in protecting the QB and open holes for the RB
  16. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    OL or Corner.
  17. BigBuckeyeFan

    BigBuckeyeFan Team Veteran

    Linebacker you have to be able to take on the o-line, then be able to run down and tackle a running back, drop back into pass coverageand also blitz and rush the QB
  18. RonMexico7

    RonMexico7 Pro Bowler

    Mentally, QB. That one's easy.

    Physically, I'm going to go with CB. I just think there a fewer people available in the gene pool that can actually cover a guy that can run world class speed. A man corner is truly on an island with the WR. The WR already knows where he's going and can throw multiple fakes to get you off balance. Not that I don't admire the O-line, I just think there a fewer people that could play man coverage effectively.
  19. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    rb and nose tasckle talk about a beating
  20. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.


    It's the mentally toughest. You have to know what so many levels of the defense is going to do as well as your own players on every play.

    Physically you are a marked man and often get hit by someone running full speed while you are prone.

    There is also no higher scrutiny of a position by fans and the media. When your team loses, it's the first position talked about most of the time. Big time pressure.