Spyware Problem

Discussion in 'GridironFans Support' started by frost, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

    I got a spyware virus and no matter what I do I can't get rid of it. I have AVG virus and spyware protection and when I run them it states they are found and cleared. But the damn thing keeps popping up that there is spyware.

    Any suggestions?
  2. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Get a hold of Crowned, he's pretty good with this kind of stuff, Frost.
  3. n1gbpackfan

    n1gbpackfan Title Town USA

  4. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Oh crap, it was Wide Right, I forgot

    Thanx N1
  5. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    Yeah, Wide Right helped me out to. Pointed me to a good site.

    I hope for your sake it's not the trojan.vundo that I had, that was horrible.

    What's it called?
  6. Rips Vikes

    Rips Vikes GO VIKES!!!

    Look where the file is when it's detected and delete it manually. It's most likely in your temp folder.
  7. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    Do it in Safe Mode too yeah?
  8. Rips Vikes

    Rips Vikes GO VIKES!!!

    I don't think that matters. I would recommend deleting your temp files at least weekly.
  9. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    Turn off your system restore and then run avast in safe mode. See if that works. If not, run a hijackthis scan and go to that forum in the link N1 posted.
  10. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

    I did...I'm just going to have to get out IT guy down here.
  11. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    That's how WR helped me and it worked. Don't pay for an IT guy when you've got thousands on the internet willing to help!
  12. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    Most problems can be fixed without taking your computer in. So long as you have internet access answers can be found. Trust me, run hijackthis and then go to that forum and you'll be clean and fixed shorty thereafter. I had vundo trojan and so did JJ which cripples your machine and they helped fix it. Don't get ripped off by Geek Squad. The internet is your friend.
  13. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

    Sorry guys tried everything you have posted and nothing works.
  14. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I have Spyware Doctor and that worked for me when I had problems...I run it a couple/few times a month...
  15. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

    I take it you had to buy that?
  16. Jammin Jaguar

    Jammin Jaguar English Student.

    Another rule, if you have the internet... You don't have to pay for anything. :icon_wink:

    If you know how the cookie crumbles (ie. illegal downloads).
  17. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I did.

    You can do a search for it...I don't know if I am allowed to post this...is it spamming? If it is, I apologize...just trying to help a brother in need...

    PM me and I can give you a link or you can just Google it...
  18. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

    I found it...thanks.
  19. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    It worked for me...I still have an older version, and it is still working fine...
  20. frost

    frost Irreverent Bastard

    Well these "free" downloads have not worked...none of them.