The Official Philadelphia Eagles Thread

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by smeags, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    maybe part of the reason the media makes something out of nothing is that's all they have to work with ? i mean i don't want to defend this city's media but the eagles really have to do better here.

    he was asked a legit question. this after the team cut mcnabb's press conference short and after the team yapped at the media that nothing was wrong with dmac's shoulder when they shut him down in the last workouts.

    funny how spadaro's rant ripped the real media for being irresponsible" & "misleading" when the eagles are shining examples of both of those terms.

    this all from an organization that has no hardware to back up their arrogance. :icon_evil:

    heck this crap. i'm focusing on the phillies.
  2. Greg Brosh

    Greg Brosh Local Eagles Fan Fantasy Guru

    Macnow and Didinger just played the snippet and I didn't think it was at all out of line. Reid has to start acting more mature during these conferences. It's only June and he's been in a huff for almost all of them so far. Wait until training camp.

    smeagle i agree with you about Spads' rant about the media. It's a bit hypocritical when they point fingers, but they do the same exact thing.

    Spads and Eskin are in the same clbutt. They believe everything that is told to them by the coaching staff and get in people's faces when they disagree. I know why Spads does it, since he runs their site. He has to be biased. But I still don't get why Eskin gets a boner about the team.

    Yeah the media digs up bad stuff because, right now, there isn't much good coming out of this.

    Now I see Jackson has missed OTAs because of a hamstring problem. What's with these guys drafting smallish WR/KR guys who get hurt during the offseason? I had liked the Jackson pickup, but now I am starting to rethink it.
  3. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    i'm just getting tired of the act. it's been how long now ? bah - whatever.

    i'm not going to worry about jackson or sameul yet. let's see if they get through camp with no further issues.
  4. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    My freaking hat is off too ANYONE in philly sports who have to deal with our freaking media AND fans. We are all so sensitive about never winning it all that some of us eat,sleep, and breath pure unadulterated negativity. It's freaking exhausting to me just reading it all the time so I can only imagine how it is living it.
    Mcnabb's shoulder is a perfect example. An older then most QB with a history of tendinitis in his shoulder gets a touch of it during a throwing camp.... the team does the right move and rests it.
    Bleeehhhh..... enough already.
  5. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    oh give me a freaking break, if you wanna make a fool of yourself and defend reid on this and his overall attitude since day one and be blind to the fact that he & the front office have this pathetic arrogance about themselves and act as if they should be given the red carpet without question everyday you go right ahead. i'm sure you'd be an instant hit on eskin's show with that stance.

    nobody is even defending the media and in this case they were 100% correct in asking the question for the FIRST TIME after it was announced (50th time my freaking balls). i have no issue ripping the philly media but if there's something that is even more annoying it's reid and the brass standard's attitude towards anyone who dares to ask them a legit question while always hiding things and bold face lying to us like we're uneducated shut-ins.

    you know what ... win a lombardi and you can be as ignorant as you want towards the media and fans for all i care, until then realize that after 8 years your little shtick is getting old real quick and maybe you should be a little more humble.
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    two words...dave spadaro.

    what other team has a beat reporter that is an employee of the team?

    I'd really love to smack that guy...I hate him.
  7. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    bingo - it's still funny how he ripped the philly media not too long ago calling them irresponsible journalists (god he should kicked in the teeth for even uttering that word) because they dared to ask questions about a not getting a wideout and mcnabb's shoulder when they shut him down in the first mini camps.
  8. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    troubvle in philly land come over here smeagle come to the dark side......
  9. Greg Brosh

    Greg Brosh Local Eagles Fan Fantasy Guru

    off-topic: do any of you guys know when Eagles tickets go on sale? Is it in July?
  10. smeags

    smeags militant geek


    i'll never join you, i'm a jedi knight.

    d-mac is on 950 with jody mac right now.
  11. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    A quote I overheard at the tiki bar this afternoon:

    "I'm a life long Packers fan. I like two teams, the Packers, and whoever is playing the Eagles. I can't stand them because of their fans. All they do is snitch when the team loses."

    There was so much I wanted to say to him, but I didn't. I had realized he was a tool shortly before that when he used the hack joke of, "My second wife hasn't been born yet.".
  12. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    you shoulda donckey puched the hecker
  13. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I agree with Omen.
  14. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Wouldn't doing that add on to his hatred of Eagles fans? :lol:
  15. burnout2oo7

    burnout2oo7 I Am Dawk's Broken Heart

    Yes. And give him a black eye. Overall, it's a net gain.:icon_mrgreen:
  16. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    Damn, I totally misplayed that situation this afternoon. :icon_lol:
  17. Fish

    Fish I'm glad I came!

    He's a proven offensive talent. And the best one we have right now. Besides, who else is Lurie gonna spend the money on?
  18. Greg Brosh

    Greg Brosh Local Eagles Fan Fantasy Guru

    Hugh Douglas kind of made the speculation that the team brought in Booker sort of the same way they drafted Ryan Moats to be Westbrook's "eventual" replacement if negotiations went south.
  19. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    maybe sheppard should've kept quiet about his contract .... :icon_cool:
  20. Omen

    Omen Speeling Be Champions Staff Member

    that sucks though for westy bc he has always been there for you dudes