Is Dawkins A Hall Of Fame Saftey

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Eagles' started by ball in the baskett, Jun 27, 2008.


Will dawkins make the hall of fame

  1. yes

    18 vote(s)
  2. no

    12 vote(s)
  1. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    I really hope your right lol.
  2. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    there will be no living with you, youd be able to justify 53 future hall of famers if they won the superbowl....and you would use things like intensity, passion, heart, leadership and potential to do so. lol
  3. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    lol I cant explain how long i would celebrate if we won the superbowl.

    8 to 5 now :icon_cheesygrin:
  4. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    Subtract 50 from that number and everything you said would be right. And we would be right to do so
  5. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    3 hall of famers? let me guess....dawkins, mcnabb and westbrook.

    please tell me you dont seriously think mcnabb is a future hall of famer
  6. phiglesphan

    phiglesphan BANNED

    Nope. I know he is. And if you say otherwise your a racist.
  7. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    lol repped i was going to give the same excuse.:laughy32:

    Westbrook might be able to go into the hall of fame......maybe
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I think Dawkins is a great player. Hall of Famer? No. The Hall of Fame is something special. I think it's possible that Dawkins could slide in there somewhere, years down the road, but if I were voting, I would say no. I've seen him have some really great moments, and I've seen him have some really piss poor moments. If the Hall was based on intensity alone, I'd say yes...but it's not.

    Westbrook isn't even close to being a Hall of Famer way...that is laughable.
  9. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    I say Yes, Brian Dawkins is a HOF'er.
  10. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    dude, seriously- stfu. take your whinny crap to the fight club or have a level headed discussion here. you you're making an butt out of yourself here. bringing up two guys in lott and woodson who were in their declining years when dawkins was drated makes no sense. if that's how we decided HOF inductees tons of todays players would make it in because their stats are ballooned thanks to the watered down league we have now.

    ed reed better than dawkins any year ?? whatever pal. they are on par with each other.

    you go on and on about BITB's blind loyalty and yet you seem blinded by your disdain for him to the point that you're not being rational here.

    dawkins flat out deserves to be in the HOF, it's not even debatable IMO. so does reed but the issue isn't were they good enough the problem is saftties rarely make in the HOF period.

    dude, no doubt you were drinking when you posted this .... lynch ? harrison ? atwatwer ?

    my god my stomach is hurting i'm laughing so hard. seriously, you need to go look at the stats of those guys. lynch is most ridiculous one you have there. dawkins, in 77 less apperences beat lynch in every single stat except tackls and assisted tackles. he beat out harrison as well and atwater ? i take back what i said about lynch, you should have to turn your man card in for atwater.

    also, for thos that think dawkins was not a game changer you're just hating. when the best running of his era (emmitt smith) states he feared dawkins it says more than anything a few opposing fans could ever say on a MB.
  11. Marion Who?

    Marion Who? Captain Stiff Arm

    Yeah, Dawkins is good. probably HOF, but considering Haley didn't get in 1st ballot, he'll be about 3rd.
  12. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Rod Woodson's best years weren't at the safety position...he is a Hall of Famer because of his ridiculous play at the CB position. I'll go homer here and say he was one of the best corners ever, but I think Dawkins is a better safety...but not by a lot...:icon_wink:

    I don't think he has the credentials to get in and I wouldn't vote him in, however, I think he will get in and could be one of those guys that gets snubbed a few times and eventually makes it in...if that makes any sense.

    Dawkins has been better than Ed Reed and vice versa. Reed is not the be all end all...Smeagle...I don't think you can knock John Lynch's career...
  13. nastynate184

    nastynate184 Fuck Michigan

    thank you i was about to have to add him on your list myself
  14. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    and tatum would be the only one not laughed at.

    i'm knocking his career, i'm knocking the notion that he was better than dawkins.
  15. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I think that could be a good debate...

    Lynch vs. Dawkins
  16. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    dawkins -

    lynch -

    harrison -

    reed -

    atwater -

    tatum -

    i give harrison the edge in tackles over dawkins eventhough he played more games because he had a better per game average. lynch played 77 more games and is not close to dawkin's and harrison's averages.

    to me reed is the one that will surpass all of these guys assuming he doesnt get hurt but you'd be better off comparing his career against other safeties that came out around the time that he did.

    now with tatum and atwater - i just don't get why guys bring up players from a different time. crap if we did that half of the qb's from today's game would get in the HOF because their numbers are better than a good amount of the qb's from 20,30, 40 years ago.

    a prime example of this - terry bradshaw had 212 td's and 210int's - (5) seasons he had more int's than td's. (5) seasons he had more than 20int's in (14) game seasons. (10) seasons where he threw double digit int's. again, in (14) games seasons.

    bradshaw -

    whereas randall cunningham played in 7 less games and has bradshaw beat in almost every single stat there is and please don't bring up the super bowls because bradshaw should be sucking off swan and stalworth everyday for those trophies. he admits it himself that he doesnt deserve to be in over several other qb's.

    cunningham -

    now does that mean cunningham deserves to be in the HOF because he produced better stats than a guy that retired 6 years before he was drafted ? no. you compare guys to others in their era.

    footnote - y.a. tittle is in the HOF and he had 6more int's than td's in his career.
  17. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    bradshaw is one of the most overrated players in the history of sports.....hes a terrible argument.

    Ed reed is a better safety than dawkins and its not even close, not even almost close.

    and baskett is one of my best friends, like not on the freaking life so blind disdain i think not....that doesnt mean i dont think its completely impossible to have a conversation regarding anything eagles with him....ever

    i gotta go to work lol damnit
  18. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    12-6 for dawkins :buttrock:

    This thread turned out to be pretty good.

    lol you would think k train has distain for me by reading this thread but thats just how he expresses himself. He could be like screw you your wrong and then ask to play madden:laughy32: Its all good
  19. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    The guy lays the lumber, and is a sure tackler, but there has never been a more overrated safety in the history of the game.
  20. Ridin Burgundy

    Ridin Burgundy on the Magic Bandwagon

    Bullcrap, There are plenty of players.

    He probably will make it though.