Serious? I'll stop talking about the Yankees when I stop seeing stupid headlines like this. All I'm saying is.... your 8.5 games out. Given the nature of the gentlemen in charge of your team, you have bigger worries than who's Apartment A-Rod is sneaking into after hours. I could give a heck about rings. When was the last title the Yanks won a World Series? End of discussion. Calm the heck down and stop being so defensive.
you better chill the heck out dude. our last ring was in 2000. we havent won one since then. pitching struggles. we have 26 championships!!!! how many rings do the red sox have????
In all honesty....Who cares? Why is it that most (MOST) Yankees fans, when engaged in a discussion with anyone about baseball, automatically go on the defensive and play the 'HOW MANY RINGS DOES YOUR TEAM HAVE?" card? Who gives a crap?! We get it, you guys are the best team in baseball history. Aside from winning the AL East, you havent done rod the last 7 years. Why? B/c your money is spent on old players...Mussina, Sheffiled, Randy Johnson, Damon, Giambi, Pettitte...why have the Sox become so good? Youth...Farm System.... Why are the Rays/D-Backs going to be the teams to beat for years to come? Same reason. Would you have gotten to upset if a White Sox or Indians fan would have made the comment I did? Probably not. The Yanks dont need this media circus surrounding A-Rod & the team... but hey.... its fine by me!
Just two observations.... 1) Calm the FREAK down, and Chill the FREAK out. Are really dumb statements. If your trying to induce calm in someone cursing them is not really a way to go about it. 2) Who gives a heck who has how many MLB championships until it's a level playing field. I know I'm speaking as an Oriole's, fan a position neither of you will ever understand with your astronomical salaries/budgets but really it's all silly with no salary cap. Sure were all getting spanked by the cheapest team in the AL east this year but in the long run 3 times the salary will equal 3 times the championships. It's not something to brag about and fight over on the internet..... now football on the other hand...... : )
Being a Dolphins fan....I really cant argue about anything. I just grab my ankles and take it like I have been for years :icon_cool:
All of you need to chill out, this thread is all about A-Rod and his divorce AND NOT THE FREAKING YANKEES....discuss this crap in the baseball forum...this needs to stop..IMMEDIATELY!! If anyone is short yellow cards those can be arranged as well. Getting back to the topic...I just found this: Seems there is some truth to the Madonna madness...yuck!
Is a yellow card real? Not being a smart butt mr sweets honestly sir I'm not. Just wondering cause I haven't heard of it before. Back on topic Madonna probably makes up in experience and flexibility what she lacks in age and hotness.
It's Ms. Sweets, ma'am and yes they are very very If you look above your join date in one of your posts you'll see a yellow and red card..those are warning and ban cards. Fags love Madonna <just saying>
Pardon me maam. Thanks for the education. Hope I never get one. Apparently Madonna loves fags too <also just saying>