Next time you're at a ball game, you might want to try this out. Simply put: 9 innings, 9 hot dogs, 9 beers. Official Rules: Link
I can have 9 beers by the 4th inning (top and bottom are one beer for me :icon_cheesygrin: )'s the hot dogs where I'm not so sure... Can I change the hot-dog for a slice of pizza? :icon_cheesygrin:
18 beers in a 3 hour span...never tried it, and I better do it before I get married :icon_cheesygrin:
That's definitely do-able. BUT.... I'm not paying for that. You're talkin $300. Prices are ridiculous!
Read the rules. Do it at home. Buy a 12 pack and 2 packs of dogs and rolls for under $25. Save yourself $275.
The 9 beers in 9 innings is actually pretty tough. I'm talking at the game with the large (24 ounce cups) that are served to you at 65 degrees. You're in trouble if it's a pitching duel. I speak from experience.:cope:
I did it, july 4th 2000, phish parking lot in camden nj. lost some time, woke up at a 69th street terminal with a broken collarbone.
it involved a gang of men and me drunkly throwing my sneaker at them in camden because they wouldn't take me home. These were strangers that I found while wandering in camden. I remembered I had to go over the bridge to get home, so I started walking towards it.
Only dogs I'll eat are Zwiegles(red or white). I'll have to try try this game from the comfort of my couch(not going to any games this year).
lmao this is to easy for leo maybe (at least for the beer) me mostly for the Hot dogs even me now that I have gotten a tolerant of Bud Light now the only problem would be the cost lol what? dude Hot Dogs are one of the best things to eat American made that is I mean 9 Hot dogs? man that's kid food, I could eat about 20 Hot dogs in a day if I was hungry enough