Red Cashion Award This award goes to the Most Valuable Moderator on the site. This moderator has been an example of how to run their forum by keeping it organized, helping recruit and more. Ok people, time to vote for the winner of this award. The voting thread will be open up until Thursday, July 31st @ 9:00pm PST.
My vote goes to Sweets. She's been all over the place this month (not in the usual way :icon_mrgreen:). Olly is a close second.
My vote went to Jammin, he has been all over watching and making sure the news headlines are right with no typos etc., and he keeps the torrents area fresh and updated.
I went WR this month. He's always catching and fixing those little things on the site that help keep it running. Ok I don't know if that made any sense but w/e.
I'm not sure who to vote for between Jammin and Burnout. I'll have to get back to this one. Maybe I'll vote for Dawk so I'll be the only one with 0 votes. Then I can claim a golf victory.