i have created a league on nfl.com with pretty much standard scoring it was meant to be for a bunch of guys i play ps3 with to have a good time but only 1 other guy has signed up so plenty of spots are available. please if you join take it serious the draft is sat aug 23 at 10.pm eastern the league name is rue the day and password is cod4
What the hell, I'll give you a virgin to pick on If I can figure out how the hell to navigate nfl.com
cool just create a log in name then go to join a private league im sure you'll figure it out. glad to have you. league is just for fun good place to learn the game
nvm, I can't...I'm already in a league on NFL.com and it says I will be dropped from it if I join another league. Which is BS IMO, but whatever.
Would love to give it a shot... but the 23rd is my daughters 18th birthday - we will be partying - just a bit! The last one to leave the nest.....:icon_cry: