Thanks.....the owner of emailed me and offered to create some custom widgets for the site (probably for a fee though). I am testing out their scoreboard widget to see how it works and if it will slow the site down at all.
It's not staying updated. The early games are all in the 2nd quarter and it still has them in the 1st.
It's still stuck at 9:51 in the second Quarter for the Chiefs game SRW, and there's 8:09 left in the second.
It's killing me, it kept me from logging in 2 or 3 times this morning. But i have dial-up so :dontknow:
I can only assume it's an issue on your end only since nobody else is having that issue. How did it keep you from logging in?
No other choice here in the middle of no where, except satellite, which I'm working on. HH says it isn't nuch better though. It had a conflict with Adobe I guess, because it kept popping up and adobe window and saying there was a problem loading and then it would crash the window. It did it several times.....I suck with computers so I'm not sure really.:dontknow: