Holy crap did you see all those Vikes players come on the field during the play??? Why wasn't a flag thrown???
GOOD JOB RON TURNER GO FREAK YOURSELF YOU FAGGOT FREAKING TIE A NOOSE AROUND YOUR NECK AND DROP FROM THE ROOF OF THE METRODOME. Hey Lovie, congrats on having such a q***r coaching staff. Thanks for the memories butthole.
Good. Screw him. I had a bad feeling about this game but I did not see this sequence of events coming.
Lovie needs to go. He was a decent head coach until the Bears went to the Super Bowl. Then he used his leverage to gain too much freaking power in the organization and the results have been disaster. He fired half the damn coaching staff and put his little pet Bob Babich at DC.....yeah that worked out well Lovie. Now all we have is a bunch of vets who have gotten paid and are comfortable as hell under Camp Lovie.......and the results on the field are bullcrap.
Yeah, then Al Michaels and John Madden making a big deal out of it. That comment Michaels made towards the end of the first half about this hit forced me to hit the mute button for the rest of the game.