transactions are unlimited, and i know its a crappy team he hasnt done anything with it all year but theres some quality keepers there and you get the 1st (or second?) pick next season he won 2 games i think ppr, 25 passing=1, 10 rushing and recieving=1, passtd=4, rush td=6. defensive players score very low, they might be raised a little this year were were just trying it out and i liked the way it worked out. all we ask is you be active in the league
Oh, I'll be active, believe that. I love FF and at least check in almost every day on every league I've been in (3 this year, 4 last year, I forget the year before...) I'd say I'm a VERY active owner, win or lose. Although I rarely lose. :icon_cheesygrin: If you're interested in letting me take over, PM me info. Oh, and what site hosts it (ESPN, NFL, Yahoo, etc.)?
there is one drawback walnuts, baskett is in the league and he can't stop talking about his crapty team for 3 seconds.
alright walnuts has taken over that snitch butt dawardoes team....welcome lol
I don't wander in here often K, what's the status of the competitors? Which members know what the heck they are talking about, and which ones don't?
Mike Oxlong and Jihad joe are the 2 ive posted with the longest me and oxlong cannot complete a trade to save our lives, i refuse to let his team get to good and he refuses to give up anything for a starting RB....we just go in circles LL cool bolt and joe are the 2 that i would trade with the most, chances are they were involved one way or another if im trading....both of them missed the draft this year, joe was there at the start and llcb missed it cause of the huricane or something...joe managed to get his team to a respectable level though. seantaylor21 was in it last year too, he always has a good team. baskett is an interesting one, no matter what his team looks like its amazing with incredible depth beyond anything weve ever seen. thephantomtbag is a new guy to the league....he had the last pick but his team dominated all year until last week. infinitepulse is a member here but im not sure if he checks in the league or not, he has a solid team but i dunno we need to get bucballer over here the poor kid posts on the espn league board lol
I'm more or less starting from scratch. The teams not quite as bad as I first thought, but what changes are going to be made to defensive scoring?
we will decide after the season, but mostly it will be more points for defensive plays...sacks, picks and what not. right now it is like 2 for a pick, 2 for a sack and .5 for a pass defended and 1 point for every 3 tackles....not sure what is gonna be done but it will probably be reworked so they are more important because right now they have a little impact but most of the time you dont have any defensive depth cause you dont need to worry about it. im also thinking about adding another rb/wr flex, but we will vote on that after the season
baskett you played 2 teams alot better than your, quit acting like youve been planning on this to happen. last week westbrook and bryant dominated the world....this week my team crap the bed, you didnt even break 100 which is a crapty week. you won but your team is nothing special