Couple of times today I've tried to log in and got this message, is it the site or is it on my end? First time was late this afternoon and the last time was about 20-30 minutes ago.:dontknow:
If anything people should notice GIF being faster now after I installed this modification last night: vB Optimise 1.3.1
As far as I can tell the pages are not cached anymore, and are reloading. After that I assume they will load faster. For some reason though I've got freaking Dolphin's colors all over the site though. Is this punishment for the sig heck up? :Loco:
It's slowed down for me. Loading times are bad, reply times are awfull just see the spinning dot after submitt my quick reply
Because it's a resource hog that is vulnerable to just about everything from intrusions, scripting threats, and 4 year old girls that like to beat up their brother. Seriously dude, get rid of that crap.