Patriots quarterback Tom Brady practiced this morning in front of the media for the first time since his knee injury, and the sporting news corps was out in force. Brady admitted that he was wearing a brace, though he would prefer not to. He was not flawless in his throws -- he misfired on some of them -- and admitted to being a little bit rusty. Source: Shalise Manza Young, The Providence Journal
Wonder how many Pats fans will be saying, "We should've kept Cassel" if he doesnt return to his old form.
Jesus F*&^$( Christ. The guy has been in rehab for months in a row. Hasn't been at practice like this one. he misses three throw and people say he lost it...... Wishfull thinking. Give the guy a break... It takes others 12 - 18 months to come back. look where he's at already.... You can keep Cassel....... We'll have this discussion in february again!
Are you suggesting that Brady, at the 8th month of his rehab is at the 12-18 month stage of a normal players rehab?
Didn't Aaron Murray break his left leg and dislocate his ankle and came back in 6 weeks to win a state championship Brady needs to man up ;p :L
Rod Woodson tore an ACL and came back to play the same't understand why Brady feels the need to milk it...
Exactly, he will tear the league up again this year. I don't give a crap if he's throwing the ball into the stands right now. This Offense will put up their second best performance of all time. It's loaded.