im gonna have a freaking stroke mother freaking happys, both the wings goals were score by our heckin goaltender....i freaking hate them, they cant pass the freaking puck its like watching a bunch of freaking toddlers lit on fire
thought the first period was called great....nothing pens dont even deserve a power play, the ref should just reject them next time and say no becuase you hecks dont even know what to do with one can i just get a little freaking heart? a little poise?
The game has definatley had its moments at both ends of the ice. I just hope Chelie stays on the bench or you guys could go up 3or4 goals
WORD !!!!! freaking CBC , the whole freaking pre game show was all about the pens and crosby/malkin CBC --> Crosby Channel :hb1: or Cry baby Channel ^^
Im glad im not the only one who noticed, just because im a Wings fan. It gets worse every year. GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLL WHOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo......No garbage that time.
not really .... TSN is more on Ovys bandwagon CBC, NBC crosby btw: Abdelkader , what an awesome name :icon_cheesygrin:
no they are a bunch of freaking wannabes theres always 2010 i havent seen one good pass by the pens yet
whats about your stanley cup redemption 09 ???? giving up after 50 minutes ? not a true fan !!!:icon_wink:
KTrain should be pissed his team is underachieving. I wouldnt write the Wings name on the cup yet. WINGS 1 PENS two tomm.
I didn't get to see the game tonight, but from what you guys are saying, I get the feeling that the Pens were outplayed all the way around?