Broncos QB Kyle Orton Named As Starter

Discussion in 'Denver Broncos' started by -Scar-, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. -Scar-

    -Scar- Doomship Commander-In-Chi

    Denver Broncos head coach Josh McDaniels has named Kyle Orton his starting quarterback. Orton had been competing with Chris Simms for the job throughout the off-season. Orton, who was acquired from the Chicago Bears on April 3 as part of the Jay Cutler trade, was named the starter with two days remaining in the Broncos' off-season minicamp training program.

    Source: Mike Klis, Denver Post
  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    No preseason competition before naming the starter?
  3. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    Surprising to me too Ward, I really thought Simms had a shot to win the job. I'm a little disappointed
  4. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I agree WARD.

    Pretty shocking.
  5. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Doesn't say much for Simms...
  6. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    apparentyl not, I like the kid too, apparently i'm wrong for the first time
  7. TexanDynasty

    TexanDynasty Rookie

    Or McDaniels already had his mind made up. To name the Starting QB before pre-season starts is stupid. McDaniels wants to take credit for hand picking Orton, because Sims was already there.
  8. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Think about it, the Broncos traded Cutler to the Bear for picks + Orton. If Orton ended up NOT being the starter then McDaniels would be eating crap there rather quickly...and they traded one of those two first round picks from the Bears for a 2nd round pick to draft a CB that people have mixed opinions about.

    Really for the trade to end up working for Denver they need Orton to be the man there and do good things.

    Having said all that, I think the Broncos will eat crap regardless because well........just look at that mess.
  9. mike oxlong

    mike oxlong The Voice Of Reason

    oh so he is named the starter 2 months before preseason, this is meaningless.