Good. You get the point how ridiculous your statement was. As for the vCash, if it needs to be reset, it needs to be reset. No ones going to die over
ha ha. it's funny that there are so many people who "don't care" yet people keep snitching that others have too much. some "don't care" about the vcash. stop whining. jeez. :icon_rolleyes: sorry the arcade closed guys, find something else to do. go outside and throw a ball. it's the freaking internet for hecksakes. no one robbed a bank. no onesgoing to buy your screen name. no onesgoing to pay to pit a hit out on you. you're safe. don't worru. the system is what it is. or was what it was. anyone could make bets anyway they want of the opportunity presented itself to these whining people on real life, everyone of you would take your money and place the bets. if you say otherwise you're a freaking liar. jeez..........whining over must be kidding me. **********Automerged Doublepost********** please don't. post whoring is looked down upon by the "the all knowing football members" on the site.:icon_cool::icon_cool:
:laughy32: I'd rep you if I could Was your boss thrilled when you played flash games in the arcade? :icon_confused:
This^^^ was pure sarcasm, sorry I forgot the tag. You people are so sensitive. rofl. "dont go starting any threads and having some fun around here" What a freaking joke you bunch of ultrasensitive cry babies. I could give two craps about vcash and video games, but this site is more than football talk and thats why I like it. At this rate gif will be a read only pure football site. WHATEVER, Christ.
you are one to talk about being sensitive I only made a joke in return I wasn't being serious you can't tell sarcasm on the net very easy
if the rep system returns, or a rep system concept happens it will just get exploted in a matter of time.