Steve McNair Reportedly Had Affair With Minneapolis Stripper?

Discussion in 'Minnesota Vikings' started by 86WARD, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Even as fans filed into the Tennessee Titans' LP Field Thursday, staring raptly at rolling video of Steve McNair's on-field heroics and writing condolence messages in large albums, a woman in Minnesota grieved alone, in her own way. The former business manager of a Minneapolis strip club told the Daily News that McNair had been a frequent visitor to the club and had an intimate and extramarital relationship with an exotic dancer for about six years.

  2. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

    Steve was a busy man.
  3. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    Damn man, I feel really bad for his wife and kids, they've been through enough. It sucks that more and more crap keeps coming out.
  4. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Damn MEDIA!
  5. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    lol...not the medias fault...I just really feel for the guys family at this point
  6. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    Jeez, Steve sure had alot of skeletons in his closet - skeletons he banged. If theres been this many so far surely there are more, hopefully at least SOME of them will keep it under their hat. I for one get the point.
  7. codatious99

    codatious99 cheese head

    damn dude, the secret life of an nfl QB..... should be a freaking movie
  8. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    He will be missed as a great nfl player but from the sounds of it he wasent a good person. Having multiple partners when you have a wife and kids seems like a douchebag thing to do.
  9. Harvs01

    Harvs01 Pro Bowler

    it's definately a douchebag thing to do, but he did alot of good too. Nobody should be so quick to judge because he wasn't perfect. He made mistakes, they cost him his life, it just sucks that his family has to pick up the pieces. He did alot of good though.
  10. Flacco2MasonTD

    Flacco2MasonTD ಠ_ಠ

    I'm sure we can all agree that the line would blur if you were having hot s*x thrown at you like rice on your wedding day - he was a football player and only a man, I can't judge him for doing stuff that I can't say that I wouldn't do in the same situation.
  11. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

    I wonder how long this had been going on...
  12. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    It doesn't really seem like McNair's family is all that surprised about any of this...
  13. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Can't wait to see how many more crawl out from the woodwork now.
  14. DawkinsINT

    DawkinsINT Tebow free since 9/5/2015.

    It really sucks for his wife and kids to have to deal with this. Leave it alone.
  15. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    you say douchebag actions
    I say ^5 Steve
  16. hermhater

    hermhater Guest

  17. Platoon 86

    Platoon 86 Loony

    I agree
  18. soopacee

    soopacee Rookie

    let the man peace