July 26 - Wachovia Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Diva's Title Match: Maryese [c] vs Mickie James To place bets on this event, go here
Updated Card: Diva's Title Match: Maryese [c] vs Mickie James World Heavyweight Title Match: C.M. Punk [c] vs Jeff Hardy WWE Title Match: Randy Orton [c] vs John Cena vs Triple H WWE Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho & A Mystery Partner [c] vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes To place bets on this event, go here
Updated Card: Diva's Title Match: Maryese [c] vs Mickie James World Heavyweight Title Match: C.M. Punk [c] vs Jeff Hardy WWE Title Match: Randy Orton [c] vs John Cena vs Triple H WWE Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho & A Mystery Partner [c] vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes ECW Title: Tommy Dreamer [c] vs. Christian To place bets on this event, go here
Results: Chris Jericho & Big Show retained the WWE Unified Tag Team Title as they d. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes by submission when Show used the Clossial Clutch on Ted DiBiase Christian d. Tommy Dreamer [c] to become the new ECW Champion after Christian used the Killswitch on Dreamer Kofi Kingston retained the U.S. title as he d. Carlito, Primo, Jack Swagger, MVP & The Miz after Kofi hit TROUBLE IN PARADISE on Carlito Michelle McCool retained the WWE Women's Title as she d. Melina Randy Orton retained the WWE Title as he d. John Cena & Triple H after Orton used the RKO on Cena Mickie James d. Maryese to become the new Diva's Champion after Mickie used the DDT on Maryese Rey Mysterio retained the Intercontinential Title as he d. Dolph Ziggler after Rey used the 619 and the springboard splash on Dolph Jeff Hardy d. C.M. Punk to win the World Heavyweight Title after Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb on Punk
Show was total crap. The only good thing I saw was that CM Punk has main event heel potential. His expressions and reactions last night were everything you want from a heel.
Ok, bare with me as I'm a wrestling noob and this was my first PPV, so I'll give some of my thoughts. WWE Unified Tag Team Title **1/2 - I felt the bout was a solid one with back and forth action which kept me on the edge of my seat, but the build-up and match-up was absolutely horrible. A lot of people who I was talking to on Justin.TV were expecting a return by Chris Masters as Jericho's partner so when the Big Show popped out, it kinda deflated everyone including myself. Also, having a Heel Vs Heel was a complete screw-up by the WWE, and it really tells you something when "the evil faction that is Legacy" is getting the fan support. ECW Championship **1/2 - I was actually surprised that this turned out to be a pretty decent matchup, even if it was so predictable that Christian was going to end up as the Champion. Kinda screws up Summerslam though, because there isn't anyone left in ECW who is deserving of being in a PPV. U.S. title ***1/2 - For me, this was the peak of the PPV. Usually this type of match ends up being a complete mess but the action and interchanging of the wrestlers I felt was well worked, and having Carlito turn on Primo could have been taken advantage of for Summerslam had Carlito been given the win, but instead Kofi retains and the WWE continues to embarrise themselves for ending a feud early just so the Big Show could deflate the viewers. WWE Women's Title ** - Actually quite a solid match here, a lot of wrestling for a Divas match and funnily enough could have been one of the peaks of the night if it wasn't for the lame ending. WWE Title 1/2 - And the snoozing began, this featured more botches than I could count (Mostly by Cena for a change). Each wrester taking turns to take a nap outside of the ring for five minutesbefore amazingly returning to the ring at 120% to pulverise the crap out of whoever was in the ring. And to finish this turd of match, HHH kills the Sharpshooter with Cena and Legacy rush in to save the day. A complete embarrisment. Diva's Championship * - A typical Divas bout, although there was a lot more wrestling ability and excitement than the last matchup, not that it was hard to improve upon that. Intercontinential Title *1/2 - This did have the potential of being a good one. Ziggler certainly looked like someone deserving of being this high up in the cardand I'm pretty sure that he will be again some time in the near future, but once again, the excitement dissapears when the same old Rey Mysterio magical ability to take a beating before landing a few moves and following up with a 619.It's almost insulting to see Rey Mysterio being used to repeat the same routine over and over because he could be utilized so much more with his talent. World Heavyweight Title **1/2 - I'm probably a little generous with the mark on this one, it was a fun match to watch but probably wouldn't have been any more than a low midcard at Wrestlemania. Obviously with Jeff leaving after Summerslam, this sets up a dull and predictable Main Event with CM Punk winning back the title I presume (Unless someone else gets the go ahead, which would surprise me). I know I'm not the best to review this as I haven't watched any PPV before, but what I'm certain of is that if the last four bouts had built upon the early cards, this would tempt me into staying up till 4 in the morning again, but in a WWE where the big stars and talents have dried up, I don't think I'll be doing that for a while.
is Punk really all that great as a heel? it seems like both of his title reigns were complete garbage. jobbing in non-title matches, etc. i read vince was irate during the tag title match, hating everything he saw in the ring. but what did he expect? big show is just a sloppy wrestler who shouldn't be anywhere near a title shot.
I think CM Ounk deffo has potential as a heel and definitely has the ability of drawing heat to himself (His promo at the start I thought justifies that). The problem I think however is that the WWE is overcrowded with dislikable characters, and doesn't really give much to cheer for.
I think Punk as a heel could be so much better and do so much more for the company as a heel. He played the part perfectly Sunday, and I could definitely see him and Hardy developing a long-standing rivalry.
WWE is turning the wrong guys into heels. Heels are only great when they can sell their matches on the mic. CM Punk never sold his match with Hardy. I forgot he was even the champ until he walked to the ring with the belt. I really hope this is the end of Hardy/Punk cause I can't take anymore bland promos. Why Jericho isn't Smackdown's champ right now, makes no sense to me.
Because there isn't anyone likable enough in Smackdown to oppose him (Unless R-Truth gets a massive promotion or Cryme Tyme gets split. Both are never going to happen).
I think cm punk and jeff hardy are both horrible on the mic i wasn't excited about there match at all.