It was about what I expected actually. I knew the first team offense wouldn't show anything, as well as the defense, aside from that opening drive. The rain sucked, but the Texans had to play in it too.
I'll wait a few games and watch for improvement from the D. I don't expect much from the O this year. Why the heck DBowe was in there with the second team is beyond me. Must be Haley motivating him.
Cassel had a couple of drops from the whack receivers he had to throw to. He really didn't try much, never went down the field at all.
I was just glad I found the was on a local channel, but the program guide said 'Sharks Tales' was on....whatever the hell that's supposed to be...anyway, I clicked on it and it was the Chiefs game! :icon_cheesygrin: I'm not going to be pessimistic's only preseason...
That kind of thing happens in the rain, just be glad it happened in the preseason. Damn, how am I being the optimist around here?!
I know they do dude, I'm just being a realist. It was crapty conditions, you're right. I just couldn't pass up posting that picture... :icon_lol: I'm about to make a Cassel sig with this picture:
Here's all the pics the Star has from the game: Chiefs battle Texans and rain in 16-10 loss - Photo Gallery - Kansas City Star