This is just the latest in a long line of DX returns....the last was against Miz and Morrison where like usual they stole the thunder from a younger team who had to job to the Bosses son-in-law instead of doing the right thing and giving the young guys a bump.....expect more of the same tonight.
What i still dont get is when they say " Lets get ready to suck it" That doesent sound like a good thing coming from 2 men
Remind me of when wrestling was good. I like all the 99-01 wrestlers left when they leave i probably wont watch anymore.
And here are the two oldest young guys in the WWE.....Rhodes and DiBiase.....they have the charisma of a old shoe...
Wow, you missed most of the Monday Night Wars then.....that was the best era ever. Typical....Rhodes being made the snitch in this match.....didn't see that coming.
Cody rhodes doesent even look like a wrestler. Hes a small dude but the small wrestlers usually make up for it by being excieting like hbk and mysterio nope not cody.
You know's about time they let Rhodes and DiBiase work like this. Who would have thought DX and their ego's would let them have a good match like this?
I hate michael coles over the top announcing. **********Automerged Doublepost********** Good match there