Disagree with that. Keep the pm system and add the im system if you'd like. Wait to see who's feelings get hurt when someone wants to be added as a friend and someone won't add them.
This is not to replace the PM system just another added mod for our members. The PM system has it's use and this chat that Steve wants people to try out would be for one on one chat not a chat for a room full of people.
There isn't a trial run on this. It's a modification that is not free and once you pay for it, it's yours for good. No, this is more like a IM system for members here. Instead of trying to get on the same IM program to talk they can do so on here without having to scramble. I actually think the feature could enhance the activity on the site.
Some of us have been here for years and have grown close to some members. Some of us know each other in "real life" off the boards. We also have grown up issues that we discuss that go beyond post tramp threads and talking about it thru pm's or on another instant messenger is just a pain in the butt. I like the idea of having it all in one place.
Cost wouldn't be much of an issue if members "supported our sponsors". Let's just say that is lacking big-time still.
I better shut up, huh? The eyes might be watching.... Would it kill people to XXXX just one XX a day???? :icon_frown:
Thank you sir. If each member just XXXXXX just one XX a day it would go a long way. No need to go crazy, just one a day.