hahahahahahahaha, its only a game yet you go postal whenever anyone talks crap about your team even if it's the truth.....you're great for comic relief here, don't ever leave
Im Raider fan but you can't defend garbage play and horrible decisions. The Oakland Franchise is and has been a joke. Its just a fact. If you try to argue that then your a fool.
Postal??? Why because i talk some crap. Its all in good fun to watch and read about what people think Sweets you especially your entertaining you need to get your priorities straight since football is life for you. I mean this website. **********Automerged Doublepost********** I dont defend garbage play and the decisions are up for debate im glad to have an owner who atleast tries and just doesnt sit on his hands. Well if you feel that way why dont you go cheer across the bay they love band wagon fans.
Lol, your a funny guy. You keep defending a team that cant win 6 games all you want. I'll cheer but the organization is a joke from top to bottom. You can say what you want and look stupid for doing it. I don't care.
Im defending your team turncoat, what are you cheering for a loss. If you dont care stop watching them. Nobody is putting a gun to your head. C'mon man you have been listening to the naysayers for to long. Ive been defending this team for along time 6 wins would be great. Look man at the end of the day we want to watch a game,drink a few brews, spend time with friends and family win or lose its just a game you cant get mad at crap thats out your control like the people here, your job as a fan is to cheer for your team not dissect every single thing it will drive you nuts if you do.
How exactly do you get that Im cheering for a loss? Thats moronic. I love this team and want them to win every game. However Im not a fool and I can plainly see garbage when its in front of my face. 6 wins would be great?! Listen to what you just said, thats how far we have fallen. Hoping and praying for 6 wins. 6 wins in the grand scheme of things is F'ing pathetic. I cheer for them every game and wont miss one. But facts are facts. We suck.
Alright man, your right, it just sounded like you were a fairweather fan. I only said 6 wins would be great because it would be better than the last 5 years. Looking at the team 6 wins sounds about right I dont defend the way their playing i defend the ridicule and laughing that goes on around here were a freaking punch line but every team has there problems not just ours. I can admit when im wrong and i have no problem admitting that we suck but I dont sit around and cry about it on the internet or agree with every stupid thing fans from other teams say, the dont watch this team as much as we do. they just read the freaking raider hating headlines and they think they know the team better than us. The only way they understand the term raider hating is by being a raider fan. heres to a win against the texans.
If my priorities weren't right this site wouldn't be here and you'd be elsewhere talking so called crap... damn my priorities anyway...lol And thanx Darius for saying what quite a few of us have said that the Raiders offense and JaMarcus suck. Kudos for your honesty dude.