WDIS: Week 5 Fantasy "Who Do I Start?" Thread

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football Advice' started by wide right, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    2009 Week 5 Who Do I Start Thread (WDIS)

    WDIS threads will be posted every Monday. All game times listed are EST, the world's time zone.

    Please post any roster questions for Week 5 in this thread.
    Not sure who to start? Post your questions here. Please do not ask to have your entire lineup filled out for you.

    All posts must contain the following information for you to get the best answer:

    * Include your league scoring for the players in question.
    * How many do you start at that position?
    * Who are they playing?

    For example:
    WDIS Thomas Jones vs MIA or LenDale White @ HOU. We start 2 RBs and my other starter is Joseph Addai.
    We get 20yds/pt rushing and receiving, td/6pts.
    WEEK 5 (All times EST)

    Sun, Oct. 11 Cincinnati at Baltimore -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Cleveland at Buffalo -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Washington at Carolina -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Pittsburgh at Detroit -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Dallas at Kansas City -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Oakland at New York -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Tampa Bay at Philadelphia -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Minnesota at St. Louis -- 1 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Atlanta at San Francisco -- 4:05 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Houston at Arizona -- 4:15 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 New England at Denver -- 4:15 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Jacksonville at Seattle -- 4:15 p.m.
    Sun, Oct. 11 Indianapolis at Tennessee -- 8:20 p.m.

    Mon, Oct. 12 New York at Miami -- 8:30 p.m.

    Bye: Chicago, Green Bay, New Orleans, San Diego
  2. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    out of the following 3 i need 2 for a ppr league

    coffee vs the falcons
    ksmith vs the steelers
    lynch v cleveland

    garcon could also be in the mix as a flex
  3. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    obviously I say SMITH lol
  4. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    ok great....any reason why? going up against the steelers, go ahead, sell me on smith

    and i need 2 players
  5. pctrips

    pctrips Pro Bowler

    I would say Coffee and Smith. You have no guarantee Lynch is going to play much and Garcon doesn't get a lot of receptions.
  6. SweetShot03

    SweetShot03 Fuck stupid people

    Smith always has pretty decent stats on games, the Steelers defence is good but it isnt unbreakable. I am sure they wont be able to totally stop Smith in his tracks.
  7. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    bears did, he was just lucky to get 2 goal line carries other than that he was way under mediocre yards wise
  8. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Dammit, in my "big money" league I have to choose (and yes I know) between....

    Caddie vs. Philly
    T.Choice vs. KC

    Guess my question is, will Choice see a fair amount of time???
  9. truelife

    truelife 6-0 is our goal

    in a ppr league 1 pt every 10 rec yrds 6 pts td i need 2 receivers out of the three
    dwayne bowe vs dallas
    jericho cotchery vs miami
    nate burleson vs jacksonville
  10. cris80

    cris80 comic relief

    Pick 3 of these 4 running backs.

    Scoring 1 pt per 10 yards, 6pt td's, NON ppr

    Ray Rice Bal vs. CIN
    Jerome Harrison CLE vs. Buf
    Glen Coffee SF vs. ATL
    Ronnie Brown MIA vs. Jets

    **********Automerged Doublepost**********

    I like Bowe and Burleson personally.
  11. wide right

    wide right Grumpy Old Man

    picks in bold
  12. afjay

    afjay Click. Clack.

    PPR, 6pt TD, bonus for 125,150,200 yds

    Pick two:

    Terrell Owens vs CLE
    Roddy White vs SF
    Braylon Edwards vs MIA
    Derrick Mason vs CIN

    Same league: Pick 1 (RB bonuses for 100, 150, 200 yds.)

    Marshawn Lynch vs CLE
    Marion Barber vs KC
  13. cris80

    cris80 comic relief

    Thanks wr. That's what I have in. Been struggling with Ronnie Brown vs. Ray Rice.