CBS' Charley Casserly said the NFLPA will "one more shot before March 1st" to get the owners to agree to a new CBA before an uncapped '10 season would go into effect, but "the odds are they are not going to get it done." "You have a situation here where you have unknowns. Casserly said. DeMaurice Smith has never been in this position. Roger Goodell has never been in this position. How is that going to translate into a deal when a time has to come? Both sides have a lot to lose if there is a lockout." He noted the situation could come down to whether the players can "find a way to put the pressure on the owners through court action to make the owners give in." "If they can't, then the players are the ones who are going to have to give in." said Casserly. Source: Sports Business Daily
a07: It never looked like the end of the league could be a year or two away when Taglibue and Upshaw were in charge. a02: