Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison had no qualms about hitting Broncos quarterback while returning a fumble last night. "He was running his mouth and getting in the way of the train," Harrison said. "And the train wasn't coming off the track. He was popping off down there the first time they were about to score," Harrison said, referring to the Broncos' game-opening touchdown drive. "So you run your mouth, expect to get something. Everything's between the lines, so he got what he had coming." Orton told a different timeline. He said he didn't say anything derogatory to Harrison until after they met. "Yeah, I said something after he hit me," Orton said. Source: Denver Post
K Train, better than trying to go high on him, right? He'd probably be on IR right now. I wonder if Orton was really running his mouth, seems kind of out of character. Then again, I don't know that much about Orton.
Not too surprising. KO can be a feisty heck at times in the past. Guess he'll make sure to get a train schedule next time the Steelers come around. :icon_smile:
STFU Silverback, ya freaking ape....Kyle Orton mouthing off???? :lmao: Still save that type of heroics for a game that actually counts...
Teams and players know that Steeler style football is and always has been "overly physical"... That's just like volunteering for the military and then complaining when its time for war...
Unless he's changed since High School, Orton is definitely the kind that would run his mouth. That being said....I agree with Sweets on this too, save it for a game with meaning.