Packers QB Aaron Rodgers Picks Up Bears Players Dinner Tab

Discussion in 'Green Bay Packers' started by MediaGuy, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. MediaGuy

    MediaGuy Ball So Hard University

    Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is generous, albeit not exactly on the same level as Cowboys rookie receiver Dez Bryant. But unlike Bryant, Rodgers' gesture had nothing to do with failing to carry pads during training camp. One day before Bryant picked up a tab for his teammates in excess of $54,000 according to, Rodgers ran into Chicago Bears players Pisa Tinoisamoa, Nick Roach and Desmond Clark at a restaurant on the eve of their Monday night matchup. "First of all, Dez Clark invites us all to dinner, and he didn't call in a reservation, so we're sitting down in front waiting for a table and in walks Aaron Rodgers and his family," Tinoisamoa said Tuesday on ESPN 1000's "Football Night in Chicago." "So I see the [restaurant] guy helping out Aaron Rodgers [to get a table], and I'm like 'This can't be happening.' "So I walk over, interrupt, and say 'You're not going to sit a Packer down before you sit a Bear down, are you?' The guy was like, of course not, what do you mean...oh, you're Bears player, OK." Tinoisamoa, Clark and Roach proceeded to exchange pleasantries with Rodgers, before the two parties went their separate ways. The encounter with the rival quarterback faded into the backdrop, until it came time to settle up the tab. "Dez actually had two other buddies with him and Nick had his girlfriend meet us up, so we're eating good and not thinking about it," Tinoisamoa said. "It was a cool little experience. We met Aaron Rodgers, OK. But then we go to pay for the bill and they said the Packers [Rodgers] picked it up, so there you go."

    Source: ESPN
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  2. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Ain't that some crap. Nice guy.
  3. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero I rode the short bus

    Mighty nice of Rodgers to hook them up like that. :beer:
  4. rodman

    rodman Rookie

    That was pretty nice of him to pay for there dinners:icon_cheesygrin: There should be more of that around the league!
  5. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Not a shocker. Rodgers is a good dude.