The Carolina Panthers host the Chicago Bears at Bank of America Stadium on Sunday 10/10/10. Kickoff time is 1:00 pm EST Discuss….
i'm not sure what you mean. are you saying the bears can beat the panthers with anyone under center? if so, i wouldn't be overconfident. todd collins blows and could keep a high school team in the game.
No Cutler? Give me the Panthers at home, their first win this season and Jimmy Clausen's first win in the NFL.
Not looking forward to this game. The Bears defense needs to get some turnovers and maybe even score too.
Great start for the Bears! :icon_cheesygrin: **********Automerged Doublepost********** Now if they can keep it up. **********Automerged Triplepost********** Bears are in a lot of trouble, if the D can't get it together. **********Automerged Quadruplepost********** OK, a FG isn't so bad. I was certain that drive was going to end in a TD. Where is everyone? **********Automerged Quintuplepost********** Forte is making it look easy. **********Automerged Sextuplepost********** 14-3 after 2 possessions for the Bears :emoticheerleader: My automerged posts are starting to add up **********Automerged Septuplepost********** INTERCEPTION!!!!!! It just gets better and better! **********Automerged Octuplepost********** IT'S GOOD!!! And it's 17-3!!! **********Automerged Nonuplepost********** Beautiful punt return for Hester. Almost another TD. **********Automerged Decuplepost********** I thought he was down at the 1, before they called it a TD. **********Automerged Hendecuplepost********** That won't be turned over. It's Bears ball. **********Automerged Duodecuplepost********** Why do I feel like I'm talking to myself? **********Automerged Doublepost********** BEARS WIN!!!! :cele08: And as soon as the Redskins beat Green Bay, we'll be alone in 1st. :jiggy: **********Automerged Doublepost********** There it is! Thank you Packers! heh heh
thanks for the play by play .......... no, seriously, the bears did a good job of winning this game in every way they could without a qb. how bad are the panthers to get beat by a todd collins-led team? they are done.
Another ugly win but the Bears defense along with Matt Forte helped make it happen. Carolina isn't a good team but it still could have been an ugly, low scoring game if not for that fast start by the Bears. Collins is awful, he better not ever play in a game again. At least Hanie is young and hasn't had a chance to prove that he totally sucks yet. :icon_cheesygrin: Although yeah, hopefully Cutler is able to play the rest of the season.