Broncos Vs Chiefs

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Dec 1, 2010.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Dec 5, 2010.
  1. Broncos

  2. Chiefs

  1. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    HALI !!! freaking beast !
  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Nice call by the Chiefs. 4th & 10 coming up...

    Broncos hanging tough though...
  3. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    A couple of first downs would be nice.
  4. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

  5. 86WARD

    86WARD -
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Safety under review
  7. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    WHAT. A. PUNT.
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Broncos have one last play. Safety was over turned.
  9. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    WIN ! :icon_cool:
  10. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    8-4 baby

    go raiders ^^
  11. markaz

    markaz Resident Cards Fan Staff Member

    Poor execution day for the Chiefs, but they get the WIN!!!
    Nice game, Denver. Screw you.
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  12. L.Johnson #27

    L.Johnson #27 C-H-I-E-F-S - G-A-L-A-X-Y

    yeah. it was strange game

    10-6 or 59-0 , who cares , it´s a win

    oh yeah and FREAK THE DONKEYS

    WHO DEY ????
    1 person likes this.
  13. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    Yeaaaaaaaaaaa boi.
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  14. warcrychief

    warcrychief Ur just da assistant Pimp

    the playoffs is 1 win away next week! what a game that will be!
    1 person likes this.
  15. Three7s

    Three7s 1st Stringer

    Defense played great, special teams was great. Offense stunk, but not quite enough to be detrimental to our chances of winning. Got to be better if we're going to beat the Chargers. Luckily, the Raiders helped us out.
    2 people like this.
  16. CaptainStubing

    CaptainStubing Gave her a Dirty Sanchez

    ugly game but good teams still find ways to win, even on their bad days ........
  17. pctrips

    pctrips Pro Bowler

    Great to see the defense step up. Brandon Carr played his best game as a Chief. I wonder if him and Flowers switched uniforms or something. The offense was able to move the ball but penalties and other mistakes kept them from putting up more points. I can't believe the Raiders beat the Chargers. If we go 3-1 in the last 4 we win the division. San Diego game isn't near as important as I expected it to be. We win next week and San Diego is eliminated.
    1 person likes this.
  18. bandi

    bandi Hall Of Famer

    Now I'm gonna have to go rep some strangers just to give you rep again....:icon_redface:

    It cracks me up everytime you say that!!! :icon_cheesygrin:
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