Redskins May Have Trouble Trading QB Donovan McNabb

Discussion in 'Washington Redskins' started by SRW, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Dan Pompei of the National Football Post reports trading Donovan McNabb may prove much more difficult for the Redskins than it was for the Eagles, as his stock has dipped considerably in a year according to front office men who have studied him. One team official questions whether McNabb will even go to a new team with a starting job Redskins coach Mike Shanahan said at the NFL Combine that the team plans to decide McNabb's future after the NFL draft.

    Source: The Redzone
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2011
  2. PSID412USM

    PSID412USM Pro Bowler

    Yeah getting benched for Rex Grossman isn't actally a way to get traded.
  3. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Shocking...who wouldn't want an over the hill, below average drama queen that was benched for Rex Grossman? lol...
  4. Franchise 5

    Franchise 5 Rookie

    Not surprising. They should either cut him or keep him, that simple.
  5. HailttRedskins

    HailttRedskins I Still Say Redskins

    Honestly, does it really even matter? We can cut him and only pay him 3 million. I'd much rather us keep him for our QB and draft Von Miller and worry about a QB next season. I've heard that there's a flaw in his contract that states in order to get most of his money he has to play on special teams, which isn't going to happen ever, obviously.
  6. what makes you think he is over the hill?

    below average? I would say he is at least average.

    drama queen? what makes you say he is.

    he was benched for Grossman b/c Shanahan is an overrated has been who has lost it.
  7. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    See his 2010 stat line.

    meh...I'll give you average at best but the last two seasons he's ranked in the bottom half of the league.

    Let's see:

    • There's the Pam Oliver Story
    • Rush Limbaugh
    • There's the throwing up in the Super Bowl
    • T.O.
    • Threatening to retire if traded to the Raiders
    • Not being fit to run a 2:00 drill
    • Then being benched for Rex Grossman
    • Whining about the coach and o.c.
    • Not to mention the drama on the day he was started from day one.

    I'm sure I forgot plenty. Here's a nice link to get you started:

    No matter where this guy goes or what this guy does, drama follows him whether it's his fault or not. If you don't want to use the word queen, fine, but he continuously is stuck in the middle of the drama

    Agree that Shanahan is overrated. But regardless...McNabb was benched for
  8. the Redskins WR's last year left alot to be desired. I think that's a major reason his numbers were down.
  9. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    meh...he's always had sub-par receivers.
  10. agreed. But at least most of the time in Philly they were passable.

    Last year they were nothing short of one of the league's worst.

    I think he is on his last legs but is still one of the better qb's that will be available this off season.

    I truly think Shanahan is off his rocker if he is dumb enough to think Mcnabb was their problem last year.
  11. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    I won't say McNabb was 100% the problem, but he didn't help the situation at all...I'd lean to saying he hurt it more than helped it.
  12. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe Life to Infidels

    McNabb is done winning in the NFL, I saw that the last 2 games of 2009 when he was rendered useless, and it continued last year

    He is at the stage in his career where he is a flier to a team desperate to stave off rebuilding, but will copme to find out its too late

    He's that dude now. Who's that team?
  13. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Come on JJ, it was his receivers and lack of