Roger Goodell Will Retain Exclusive Power Over NFL's Personal Conduct Policy

Discussion in 'NFL General Discussion' started by BigBlueBruiser, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell will retain power to mete out discipline under the personal conduct policy in the collective bargaining agreement still being hammered out by the league and the players' union, league sources tell ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter. Goodell's disciplinary powers have been a point of contention with many players. As late as Wednesday night, Pittsburgh Steelers safety Ryan Clark predicted his team might not ratify the deal unless changes were made. "De Smith is still working," Clark said of the NFLPA executive director, "and we're trying to get this figured out. But it's not an absolute that guys will be at practice tomorrow." Clark added that the disciplinary process "with Roger Goodell having total control over the fine process, that's a deal-breaker for us in this situation." "We feel like someone else should be on there; there should be some ... type of way -- actually someone who's not on the NFL payroll," Clark said. "A big issue, for us, especially, as a team, is Roger Goodell ... being judge, jury and appeals system." But league sources told Schefter that Goodell would retain exclusive control over the personal conduct policy when the new CBA is ratified, which is expected to happen as early as Thursday. However, players likely will be able to appeal suspensions under the drug policy to an independent arbitrator, league sources told Schefter.

    Source: ESPN
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2011
  2. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    Roger Goodell makes me sick. He seems like he was a punk growing up and now that he has some power he likes to flex. The NFL would be so much better if he just dropped dead.