Titans, RB Chris Johnson Remain Far Apart In Negotiations

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans' started by SRW, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Titans running back Chris Johnson returned to Nashville on Saturday, but not because his contract negotiations are heating up. The Titans still haven’t made an offer to Johnson, mainly because the two sides aren’t even in the same ballpark on the parameters of the deal, General Manager Mike Reinfeldt said. “We’ve discussed parameters. If we can’t agree on the parameters, there’s no sense making offers,’’ Reinfeldt said Saturday night before the Titans played the Rams. “If your parameters are different … and if you are talking a different language then you are wasting your time. We’ve talked to his agent and will continue to talk to his agent.’’ Johnson returned to Nashville for personal business and has no meetings planned with the Titans, according to sources familiar with the situation. Reinfeldt has said the Titans are willing to make Johnson the highest paid running back in the NFL but Johnson is seeking a contract that would rank with the game’s “elite†playmakers. So far, the two sides have been unable to get on the same page about things including signing bonus or guaranteed money.

    Source: The Tennessean
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2011
  2. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    As great as CJ is at the end of the day he's still a running back in a passing league. Not to mention running backs are seldom known for their longevity and the Titans have probably cut his career in half by their dependency on him.
  3. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Trying to be a playmaker actually ended up hurting Chris Johnson last year. He wasn't hitting the hole like he did the year before. He seemed to want to just rip long runs instead of getting what the defense gave him.
  4. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Suuuuucks for Titans fans.
  5. Roy31

    Roy31 Hall Of Famer

    His big season has really gotten to his head. The Titans probably aren't going anywhere this season with or without Chris Johnson, no point in caving into his demands now.
  6. 86WARD

    86WARD -

  7. ball in the baskett

    ball in the baskett First Team All Pro

    If he holds out for the whole season hes a big butt snitch
  8. FamousGuy909

    FamousGuy909 Ticket Scalper

    whats this guys problem? he already has all the gold bling bling in his grill... whats next? Brown paper Bags stuffed with bills at the strip club... oh wait that was another titan
  9. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    Let him hold out. The Titans don't have to pay him and he get's fined. He can't be cut loose and picked up by another team. No judge will side with the whiny snitch and grant him to be a FA and the more and more he holds out the more time he loses. So I say heck em, call his bluff and let's see what else he can figure out in this world. I'm sure a handful of restaurants in the area need new hosts in their joints.
  10. mj1987us26

    mj1987us26 Super

    :Loco:But doesn't a host need the ability to speak english?
  11. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    Not at the Waffle House. I've been to 3 of them in my lifetime and I don't understand ANYTHING those people say.
  12. FamousGuy909

    FamousGuy909 Ticket Scalper

    just like vincent jackson last year, these players are acting like a bunch of snitches