Titans, RB Chris Johnson Not Close To Contract Agreement

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans' started by BigBlueBruiser, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter reports the Titans and holdout running back Chris Johnson are not close to a contract agreement. Despite a face-to-face meeting later Wednesday, Schefter says the two sides "are not expected to be much closer by the end of the day. Stalemate continues." It's certainly a blow to those expecting significant progress today, but the fact remains that a dire sense of urgency isn't here yet. There are still 18 days until the season starts, leaving a reasonable amount of time for an agreement.

    Source: Adam Schefter: Twitter.com
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2011
  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Pure speculation...lol.
  3. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    OK I was backing CJ's decision to get his money, but lets be realistic here. He's going going to get top playmaker money. He needs to get over himself.
  4. Starkiller501

    Starkiller501 Starter

    They need to worry. They don't have much depth under him at HB
  5. Chipper10

    Chipper10 Back 2 Back! Roll Tide Roll!

    CJ is a whiny Baby. But, of course they won't have much progress when he just started talking to them.
  6. nwade06

    nwade06 Lions in the Super Bowl!

    Go win some games first Johnson, then request the big boy bucks!