Mike Munchak Says Titans Won't Trade RB Chris Johnson

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans' started by BigBlueBruiser, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. Coach Mike Munchak said Thursday that the Tennessee Titans haven't talked about trading Chris Johnson, and if the star running back asked for such a move, the request would be denied. "We would figure he's under contract for two years, he's going to be a Titan and we would hope a longer term than that," Munchak said. "But I don't think that's anything we would even give any consideration to. He's with us one way or another, and hopefully it ends up being on the field." Johnson and his agent, Joel Segal, met with Titans general manager Mike Reinfeldt in Nashville on Wednesday. The running back then returned to Orlando, Fla., and told The Tennessean on Thursday that he and the Titans don't see "eye to eye." Reinfeldt called the meeting "beneficial" but acknowledged he wasn't "sure there was any progress made." For Johnson, it's a return to the waiting game as he physically prepares for a season in which he might not play. "Basically my plan is to continue to handle my part and let Joel handle his part," said Johnson, who's scheduled to be paid $800,000 this season. "All I can do is continue to work out and stay in shape. From them seeing me yesterday, (Reinfeldt) knows I am in great shape, and he said, 'You're looking good,' and things like that. All I can do right now is keep working out and keep waiting."

    Source: NFL.com
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2011
  2. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Well that settles that. [MENTION=1533]86WARD[/MENTION] called that crap yesterday basically word for word.
  3. It was pretty obvious he wouldn't be traded...........
  4. y2kbug

    y2kbug Take the Gunga!

    i knew he wouldn't be trade.... that was just something to stir the pot and make fan question the FO. He is gonna get his deal and it will more than top RB money but less than 11-12 mills per question is what will be his signing bonus
  5. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    No crap, did anybody really believe he would be traded?
  6. y2kbug

    y2kbug Take the Gunga!

    I think for a moment steve12 was kinda daydreaming about it in New England and the power of the Belichick with his arsenal of draft picks....
  7. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    Yeah Steve probably jizzed all over himself at the thought.
  8. TheDuke

    TheDuke Breast Man

    I'd send him an email offering him 5 million for the next 3 years and tell him if he doesn't accept it he'll be enjoying paying his fines and working at Wal Mart or whatever. And in this recession I don't see judges siding with the players a whole lot anymore.

    Judge: So let me get this straight, they offered you 10 million DOLLARS per year and you said no?
    Chris Johnson: Mumble Mumble Mumble Jibber Jabber *translation=yes*
    Judge: Well sir, you can go and heck yourself for saying no! That's all.

    Players just don't have leverage anymore. On a completely selfish note though he was autodrafted to my team(I missed ONE draft pick an it was him! FREAK!) and I hope he plays and does really, really well. I want to win a lot of money!