Falcons Vs Bears

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Sep 6, 2011.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Sep 11, 2011.
  1. Falcons

  2. Bears

  1. ollysj

    ollysj iKraut

    The Chicago Bears host the Atlanta Falcons at Soldier Field on Sunday 9/11/11. Kickoff time is 1:00 pm EST


  2. SpankyNoodle

    SpankyNoodle Can't Spank the Spank

    Taking the Falcons!!
  3. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    Falcons. Im wondering how much chaos Ray Edwards will cause on the Bears OLine.
  4. Crowned

    Crowned Doesn't give a shit.

  5. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    Feelin' the Bears on this one...
  6. bigsexyy81

    bigsexyy81 Muffin Top

    STILL don't see why so many are all over this dude's c**k.
  7. Steve12

    Steve12 The night is dark and full of terrors

    You're one to judge about others being "on a guy's c**k"? I'm just curious to see how he does. I'm not proclaiming Tim Tebow a probowler.

    And if anything it was more of a question mark about the Bears Oline.
  8. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    Tough test for the Bears this week but I honestly think they can win this game.
  9. Inclulbus

    Inclulbus WE ARE! .. Marshall!

    Falcons going to go right back to being Regular Season Guru.

    21-17 ATL
  10. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Matty Ice.
  11. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Bears win str8 up. :smoker:
  12. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    3-0 Bears! Some good pass protection on that drive. Need the running game to pick up though.
  13. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    3-3. Defense with a little bend there but no break.
  14. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Pick by Urlacher!
  15. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    TOUCHDOWN BEARS!!! Matt Forte on the screen pass!!!
  16. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Turner is a fumbling snitch! Bears ball! :icon_cheesygrin:
  17. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    13-3 Bears!
  18. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    16-3 Bears!
  19. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Bears => :an*l: <= Falcons
  20. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    16-6, Falcons had a nice drive there but got conservative in the red zone.