Buccaneers Coach Raheem Morris Confirms Contact With Players During Lockout

Discussion in 'Tampa Bay Buccaneers' started by ronbart, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Raheem Morris confirmed Monday that he had contact with two of his players during the NFL lockout, but he wouldn't say if he expected the league to hand out any kind of punishment for it. Speaking to reporters one day after the Bucs' season-opening 27-20 loss to the Detroit Lions, Morris said he called tight end Kellen Winslow Jr. and cornerback Aqib Talib. Morris explained that he called Winslow with congratulations on the birth of a child and that he phoned Talib after the cornerback went to jail in connection to a shooting in Texas.

    Source: NFL.com
  2. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Wow, If Rah gets fined for that then the NFL brass should choke on their breakfast. Congratulating a player on the birth of his child and cfreaking in on another after an arrest??? Really???

    Screw off Roger.
  3. Mike

    Mike Want some Cheetos?

    Considering Jerry Jones had to recieve special permission from the league just to attend Tony Romos wedding Id expect them to be handing down a fine on Morris for this silly violation.
  4. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    If he didn't get permission...he's in trouble!!!
  5. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    The NFL is going to come down on him because that's what they do. I understand why Jones would need permission to go to a wedding. What was Morris supposed to do? Wait for a week to get approved to make a phone call?
  6. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    NFL needs to actually realize these "properties" are human. I'll be damned if anyone is going to prevent me from calling a friend of mine to congratulate him on the birth of his child. Or to call a friend after they've been locked up for some reason to see how they are doing. It's not like thet met at the 50 yard line in RJS.

    I've met and even had a few short chats with Rah around Tampa, he's a genuine guy. He takes time to actually talk with the fans not just shake hands and bolt. The kinda of man the NFL should promote, not fine for caring about his players.