Former Jets QB Joe Namath Rips WR Santonio Holmes, GM Mike Tannenbaum, O-Line

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweets, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Joe Namath took aim at the Jets again yesterday, but this time he ripped Santonio Holmes, general manager Mike Tannenbaum and the offensive line instead of coach Rex Ryan according to Brian Costello of the New York Post. Holmes said Sunday: "It starts up front with the big guys. They've got to do a better job of protecting Mark, and Mark has to do a better job of making reads and getting the ball to where he needs to, so his playmakers can make plays." "That was a mistake, it surely was," Namath said on 1050 ESPN Radio. "For Holmes, as a captain, to go outside, to the media, and start pointing fingers. . . . I mean, he's right about the ball getting out late to him [on Sanchez's third-quarter interception], and he's right about the offensive line, but that can create a problem in the locker room. . . . That divisiveness can bury a team. They've got to correct that right away." "I'm not sure what's going on there," Namath said. "We picked some poor players and we're not owning up to it. That's what it amounts to. You've got guys on the roster who have been picked and you keep trying to say, 'OK, they're going to work out.' Well, guess what? We tried that with [Vernon] Gholston and it didn't work out. "You have to [say], 'Hey, I made a bad pick, a bad selection,' and move on. The Jets didn't do that and it's a little late for the season to get it righted."

    Source: The Redzone
  2. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Why is Joe Namath still relevant? These freaking old guys oughta take lessons from Joe Montana. Just shut up, do your Hall of Fame, Greatest Ever thing and go home. Make a comment every now and again and be happy.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2011
  3. CStevenson13

    CStevenson13 1st Stringer

    This...seems like this guy has a comment weekly
  4. Sweets

    Sweets All-Pro

    Come on 86 have you heard Montana converse with anyone, OMLord he's a freaking dweeb personality having clown
  5. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    at least montana is from the 80's, not the 60's.
  6. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    Joe Namath needs to sit down and shut the hell up. I don't think he was that great of a QB to begin with. Him guaranteeing a win over the Colts in the Super Bowl and winning , and playing for a New York team (which IMO everything from New York gets overhyped) has this bum thinking he's a god.
  7. smeags

    smeags militant geek

    back then having 47 more int's than td's was HOF worthy as long as you won a super bowl and did a couple of legg's commercials.
  8. cKlass

    cKlass Rookie

    And a rating of 65.5 smh. Again this is why I think New York and all of their teams are vastly overrated.
  9. K Train

    K Train Do You Honeycutt?

    i love how hes 100% convinced hes still important enough to speak about the jets
  10. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    That's kinda my point...doesn't say a