Major News From The TNA's Impact Wrestling Taping

Discussion in 'Wrestling Talk' started by SRW, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin[NSFW]James Storm defeated Kurt Angle at tonight's Impact Wrestling taping in Orlando, Florida to capture the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

    Storm defeated Angle in approximately three minutes via Last Call. He celebrated his title victory with the crowd and members of Fortune.

    Sting became the new authority figure of TNA Wrestling at the beginning of the show and in his first move, had Angle face Storm in the main event.[/NSFW]
  2. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

  3. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler


    i almost didnt check this thread because i hate spoilers but since i work thursday night i figured why not but now im sorry i read cause im actually pissed off. this makes absolutely no sense at all!!! why in gods name would you push all summer through the bfg series. have him put on a pretty decent match with kurt and lose, only to hand the title over to his drunk butt parter the next week. i can probably count on one hand the number of singles matches ive seen storm in. frist amw then beer money hes a tag team guy and from what i remember he was always the second guy on the team. the christian to an edge. i mean THIS MAKES NO FREAKING SENSE!!! this would be like if rocky ended the way it did with rocky losing and then paulie knocked out apollo in the first round in the first 3 minutes of rocky 2. WHAT THE FREAK
  4. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    I couldn't have said it better myself. What they should have done was have Roode go over at BFG then after blowing off Angle so he can go train for the Olympics they should have gone to Roode vs Storm. Amazing how this company constantly finds ways to drop the ball.
  5. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    its just frustrating cause they could be so much further ahead of where they are but its just one heckup after another
  6. misfitz

    misfitz Dropping Twitter Bombs

    This is the storyline I was afraid of when i saw Roode lose. They are going to be breaking up beer money and this is the first step of it. I can smell it now and it sucks if they do it and I hope I am wrong.
  7. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    going into bound for glory i thought beer money would break up if roode won, but not if he lost. i agree with you now that it looks like theyre be splitting up. i just wonder which one's gona end the good guy out of it. i think theyre gona play the jealously card and make roode the heel. which he played for a while with team canada, even though i dont remember him talking much then but i could be wrong
  8. DaBearsrule4ever

    DaBearsrule4ever Hall Of Famer

    Bobby Roode was origionally booked to win the title at BFG BUT Hulk Hogan changed all that. James Storm winning the title? :icon_eek: I figured Bobby Roode would get atleast one more shot at Kurt Angle, I guess not. So it looks like Roode will win the title from Storm eventually. Even if Roode won at BFG, we would have still seen Roode vs. Storm for the title anyway. Theres nothing left for Beer Money to do as a tag team in TNA. I just hope TNA can hit a home run with this storyline.
  9. dublin mike

    dublin mike Unfortunate Georgia Sports Fan

    Was scared when I heard Hogan gushing over Storm and burying Roode that this was gonna happen. As long as he's able to call any shots in the company, there will be trouble.
  10. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    Storm is the better of the two on the mic. I'd go with Storm as the heel in this fued. I'm just happy that it's not the usual cast of dinosaurs in the title picture. I am just wating for the moment they realize Matt Morgan is the way to go with the belt. He's a 7 footer who can move and is in his prime.
  11. YEAH DUDE!


    Storm is a pretty good worker, and I love his gimmick it fits more of a heel character anyways. I'm happy he won the title, but I'd rather of had the jealousy angle happen after Roode won the belt but apparently WHAT do we know? Hogan is yelling at fans on twitter calling everyone marks, along with Bischoff because every hates the idea/decisions...even AJ Styles got in on the act on Hogan.
  12. ronbart

    ronbart Pro Bowler

    matt morgan? really? i dont dislike him dont get me wrong but i dont see him as anything special. imo hed be perfect for a nice long run with the tv belt if theyd pry it from eric young and let it mean something. if morgan went on a year and a half run as champ defending maybe 2 or 3 impacts a month the title would actually mean something when he finally lost it.
  13. SRW

    SRW Ex-World's Worst Site Admin

    He's got the size, he's got the look, he's got the moveset for a big man, he's got charisma, he can talk on the mic. Put a belt on him and let him run with it for a while.