Bears Vs Buccaneers

Discussion in 'NFL Gameday' started by ollysj, Oct 19, 2011.


Who will win this game?

Poll closed Oct 23, 2011.
  1. Bears

  2. Buccaneers

  1. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Tampa players are dropping like flies.
  2. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Jesus Christ.

  3. Dragonite

    Dragonite Simply Arrogant!

    Sure blame it on the british grass :)
  4. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Roy freaking Williams, smh.
  5. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

  6. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    T. Jax phools.
  7. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Nice job Barber, just tip the ball right to the defender.
  8. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Freeman picked?
  9. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Awesome pick by Conte!
  10. 86WARD

    86WARD -

    Williams needs to hold that crap...damn.
  11. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    A freaking safety. Great.
  12. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    More like Williams dropped the ball into the defenders hands.


    No shut out!!!!!!
  13. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    I blame Roy Williams for that entire sequence of events. If he catches the damn ball, the safety never happens. :icon_cheesygrin:
  14. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Now we get a penalty fest. This game has a little of everything!
  15. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    Jesus Christ with the freaking flags.
  16. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Are you freaking kidding me with the flags? :rolllaugh:
  17. themush

    themush iDIOT sAVANT

    If I lived in London and was at this game I'd beer in the beer line. Boring butt game.
  18. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Damn Chris Harris almost had that one!
  19. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Cutler being a bit loose with his decisions since the Roy drop & Barber tipped INT...
  20. URL54MVP

    URL54MVP Pro Bowler

    Roy Williams scored a TD? :icon_eek: